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Starcraft 2 [censored] ion Tactics For Savvy Terran Players

Starcraft 2 [censored] ion tactics can be among the most effective techniques learned by Terran players who want to take advantage of the unique capabilities offered by these fast units. While this unit is far from the most powerful weapon that Terrans are capable of deploying, it makes up for its relative weakness with speed, a lengthy attack range, and a high suitability for early game usage.

[censored] ions are among the earliest game units available to the Terran player, as they can be produced as soon as a Factory is available. As a result, they are sometimes produced in large numbers throughout the early game, due to their small material cost and ability to fill diverse roles on the battlefield. Their ranged fire attack makes them a perfect weapon for use against light enemy units.

These units are occasionaly seen in battle against the Protoss forces. Zealots, Sentries, and High Templar can all be managed quite effectively with a sufficient force of [censored] ions. Like other light units, however, care must always be taken to ensure that [censored] ions are not overwhelmed by larger enemy forces. The key is to properly utilize the ranged fire attack and not allow the units to be surrounded.

These forces are also effective against Zerg Drone forces and Zerglings. When marshaled effectively, the [censored] ions can be used to devastate Zerglings and Banelings, but must avoid heavy concentrations of these forces. Most players use them as a tool for harassing enemy units when they are not busy attacking supply lines and mineral resources.

They can also be extremely effective when used to disrupt Terran Marine forces. Their fire attack provides them with a distinct advantage in this type of combat. The same caveats about force strength apply here, though [censored] ions do fare better against large concentrations of Marines than they do against other light units of similar size. As a result, they are often used in a defensive role against other light forces.

Most players make the most use of [censored] ions in the early stages of the game. Because they can be produced quickly, and are so effective against workers, many Terran players use them to stall enemy progress in early game play. They can har[censored] many different enemy units, disrupt technological progress, and virtually destroy an opponent's economy if left unchecked.

Unlike other similar units that often lose effectiveness as the game progresses, the [censored] ions still have a major role to play in end game scenarios as well. When large numbers are amassed in one area, a [censored] ion Rush can be executed on a lightly defended expansion while enemy forces are elsewhere. Alternatively, players can use Medivacs to airdrop [censored] ions directly onto an enemy's mineral supply lines and stop his economic progress in its tracks.

Though [censored] ions may not seem like much to beginning players who are eager to utilize the more devastating weapons in their arsenals, savvy players understand that these units have a special role in smart game play. That's why they are always looking for the latest advancements in Starcraft 2 [censored] ion tactics to enable them to use [censored] ion units more effectively.