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Essential Starcraft 2 Marauder Tactics For Terran Players

No Terran player would ever get far without learning at least a few Starcraft 2 Marauder tactics. This infantry unit is among the most effective forces available to the Terrans in early game play, and is flexible enough to remain a potent force in the latter stages of an online match as well.

Terrans who thrive on the use of these units understand their early game value. Because they can be produced without advancing into the mechanized areas of the technology tree, they are able to provide a tremendous boon at the initial stages of any game. They have a number of unique aspects that make them very difficult for opponents to deal with.

For example, their concussive s[censored] ability once researched is very useful for controlling the movement of enemy units and cutting off retreat. This ability along with the unit's main attack are often used against opponents who skip lower level units in favor of stronger armored units, and thus leave themselves more vulnerable than they would otherwise be. The real value of Marauders, however, is found in their ability to combine effectively with other Terran units.

One such combination involves the use of Marauders and Marines working in conjunction with one another. This is a strategy that can be used at any point in the game, and requires Medivacs in the area to ensure that units are healed as needed. This combination provides a flexible attack force for any player who chooses to use it. The forces can be used to assault one spot, or can be transported via the Medivacs to hit multiple locations at the same time.

The latter strategy can allow a Terran player to force his opponent to divide an army into smaller segments. The key to success for any such assault is to use the Marauders for best effect. That means striking quickly at any armored targets, while simultaneously avoiding any anti-air support that the enemy forces may marshal. A series of lightning strikes like this can quickly leave an opponent reeling from the assault.

Another strategy utilizing Marines and Marauders involves the establishment of a barracks at the edge of an enemy base in the early game. These barracks can then product various ground units that can support any sustained attack on the area. Establishing this kind of beachhead in an opponent's territory is one of the simplest ways to take control over his production schedule by forcing him to focus on defensive units to counter the assault.

On their own, Marauders are a strong force. When used properly with other units, however, they can form a devastating mid-level force that can dramatically alter the course of any battle. That makes them a powerful tool for any Terran player who wants to disrupt an enemy's plans, seize control over battlefield initiative, or execute a sustained assault on an enemy base.

Few other low-level units have such a dramatic impact on game play at every stage of the game. For Terrans who take the time to learn these and other strategies, the possibilities are nearly boundless. As a result, any serious Terran player should spend at least some time studying various Starcraft 2 Marauder tactics.