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Starcraft 2 SCV Tactics: What You Should Know

There are quite a few Terran Starcraft 2 SCV tactics. SCV stands for Space Construction Vehicle, it is the primary economic and industrial unit of the Terran faction. These units are the sole unit responsible for the creation and maintenance of Terran structures, as well as the mining of mineral and gas resources. They can be upgraded to have better defensive traits and are produced at a Command Center.

Of the three worker units in the game Starcraft 2, the SCV has the slowest acceleration. The way in which they create buildings is also unique, an SCV constructs a building one at a time and is essentially occupied while they do this. After a building is constructed, however, these units are able to return back to mining, or can continue building or maintaining buildings if you so order them to.

It is important to build a decent amount of these units in the early game so as to maximize your resource gathering rate, thus giving you an edge over your opponent, so knowing how many of these units to have mining rather then building, is important. Stick with one SCV per mineral patch early on, then eventually work your way towards having three at each node, this will prevent overlap and is an efficient amount. Have at least three extracting gas as well.

In the early game make sure you produce a small force of units for scouting or for defending these resource gatherers, as they are vulnerable to being killed by combat oriented units. As scouts they can also be useful however their low acceleration becomes more of a hindrance. As workers they are standard. Some players, however, prefer their building style to other similar units making them arguably rather versatile. Although, which race one uses is a matter of personal preference.

One advantage of the SCV unit is that they are considered biological as well as mechanical, and can therefore be healed by Medivac or SCV units that the Terran usually have in good numbers. Also, these worker units have more hit-points than their counterparts which can give them more staying power.

One of the disadvantages of how these units construct buildings is that if killed, the construction of the building in question will be halted, and although another SCV unit may pick up where the other left off this can be tedious because it still makes the construction unit in question a target for attack. Unlike the Protoss Probe, which simply picks a spot to warp in a structure then continues on with its work, the Terran worker must continue to construct until the building is completed.

In contrast to the Zerg Drone, which becomes the building in question, using an SCV to build can also be arguably rather redundant. For instance, the Drone becomes the building it wishes to construct thus expending the Drone, but the building in question certainly has more hit points than the Drone itself and although the Drone is destro[censored] in the process of building, the building it becomes can be more difficult to get rid off. This is especially advantageous if the building in question is an extractor used to steal an opponent's gas, or is defensive in nature.

Every worker unit has their strengths and their weaknesses, their advantages and their drawbacks. Which ever building method you prefer certainly plays a large role in deciding the race you wish to use.