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Use Terran Reaper Tactics To Har[censored] Opponents

Starcraft 2 Reaper tactics usually entail using this particular unit to har[censored] and disrupt the build or expansion operations of the enemy. Their advantages come from high mobility and a particular type of high damage ammunition. They are a biological unit with light armor and are available only to the Terran faction.

This specific type of ground unit is obtainable in the lower tech tier. Based on the Terran technology tree build sequence, this unit only requires a barracks and a supporting tech lab. Thus it can easily be made a part of your early game maneuvers. Take note though that with the game's 1.1.2 patch, the mobility upgrade for this unit added factories as a requirement.

The superior movement capabilities of this infantry unit stems from the fact that it is one of the few that can jump up and down cliffs. This is an apparent advantage in maps with particularly difficult terrain. This ability comes from the built-in jet pack. With a tech lab and factory, this can be upgraded to a nitro pack which will substantially increase movement speed.

Another advantage that this unit carries is D-8 charges. They are a powerful explosive which can inflict a damage value of 30 to an enemy's buildings. This is usually considered a secondary attack option. But it is not difficult to see how this ammunition coupled with inherent high mobility can make reapers ideal candidates for commando-type assaults.

One of the most common strategies is to snipe at enemy workers. This can delay your opponent's efforts to ac[censored] ulate resources. Unlike other Terran ground troops, this type of unit is not usually built for large squads. With two or three, you can move in to your enemy's territory, attempt to wipe out many of their workers, and then just as quickly move out.

Against an opponent with a penchant for expansion, you can use it to attack the original enemy mining base. More often than not, players using this approach make the mistake of spreading their defenses too thin. With an adequate force made up of this unit, you can leverage on this opportunity and cripple your opponent's main base.

Their above average mobility is especially effective against a Protoss opponent. An early sneak attack against Probe mineral lines can have a high rate of success. You might even take out an unguarded Nexus. Against Zerg, it can be used as an alternative to [censored] ions because of the additional movement speed that a nitro pack upgrade can offer. This requires a little more micro controlling however. You should be cautious in using it against another Terran army later in the game as siege tanks with their splash damage can effectively wipe out a whole squad.

Speed, mobility, and exceptional firepower are the hallmarks of this unit. Given proper planning and a well-controlled execution, this Terran unit can tip the scales in your favor while still in the early stages of a game session. Keep these crucial points in mind when you attempt to apply Starcraft 2 Reaper tactics.