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Best Starcraft 2 Robotics Bay Tactics

In order for you to have the best Starcraft 2 Robotics Bay tactics, you need to keep asking yourself what your opponent is building and which strategies you wish to pursue. This structure does not always have to be warped in earlier on depending on which main tech tree you wish to go with. The Robotics Bay is also sometimes called the Robo Bay.

The Robotics bay requires the Robotics Facility to be created beforehand and this structure can only be warped in where there is an existing psionic matrix present. This structure requires the psionic matrix in order to research various upgrades however even an unpowered Robotics Bay will allow for the Colossus to be built at the Robotics Facility.

This costly structure is commonly warped in to allow the Protoss Colossus unit to be created. In the mid game the Protoss player normally has two main paths that they can take when it comes to ground support units.

The Protoss player could either go with the Templar Archives in order to create High Templar or they can warp in the Robotics Bay in order to have access to the Colossus. Both units are excellent for dealing with clumps of lesser units however they both have their own strengths and weaknesses.

The Colossus is hardier than the High Templar and it can walk up and down cliffs. Its great height however allows the Colossus to be attacked by both anti ground and anti air units.

The High Templar can call down psionic storms once researched and it can use the Feedback ability to take out enemy spell casters. This spell caster however does not have a conventional attack, is rather fragile and is also vulnerable to enemy High Templar using the Feedback ability.

The Robotics Bay also allows for three possible upgrades to be researched. The Gravitic Drive upgrade increases the speed and acceleration of the Warp Prism, making it even more effective for harassing the enemy's bases.

The Gravitic Boosters upgrade increases the acceleration and speed of the Observer air unit. This allows the Observer to cover more ground in a shorter amount of time. Both of these upgrades are normally considered optional compared to the third and final upgrade available at this building.

The Extended Thermal Lance upgrade is essential for the Protoss player when they decide to produce the Colossus. This upgrade increases the attack range of this unit, allowing it to attack from further behind the front line which would increase the survivability of this high priority unit.

It is easy to tell when the Robotics Bay is conducting research as its arms move around and it gets a glow in the middle while doing so.