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How To Utilize Starcraft 2 Nexus Tactics And Win

In various ways the Protoss Nexus structure is more versatile than the headquarters buildings of other races in StarCraft 2. Nexus tactics when utilized properly, will accord a player an edge over their opponents.

The Nexus is the most crucial structure that is available to the Protoss player. It is the only structure where probes can offload gathered resources and it is the only structure that can warp in said probes.

The Nexus is indeed the only Protoss building that can warp in the Mothership once the Fleet Beacon is created. The Mothership is a massive support aircraft that has some impressive abilities and spells.

This structure is one of the few Protoss buildings that can be warped in without requiring an existing psionic matrix. The structure can thus be built anywhere on the map although Protoss players normally build them near minerals and vespene gas geysers.

In StarCraft 2 the Nexus structure also has the Chrono Boost ability. The ability consumes some energy and it boosts a targeted building's work rate by 50%. This ability can also be used on the Nexus itself in order to boost probe or Mothership production.

The Chrono Boost ability is what sets this important building apart from the other races. This ability gives the Protoss more flexibly in which units they wish to focus on producing. It is important to note that the ability will not boost the building's warp in speed if it is not yet created.

The Nexus has one thousand hit points and one thousand shield energy that replenishes over time. This allows the Nexus to take some punishment that it can easily recover from.

This building however does not have some notable abilities that are available to the other races. It cannot lift off or otherwise be transported like the Terran Command Center and it cannot produce larvae like the Zerg Hatchery.

Given the structures lack of mobility the Protoss player needs to carefully consider their expansion plans as the structure cannot lift off and float away if it is attacked.

Thankfully the Protoss player can place Photon Cannons around their Nexus buildings provided they are within the psionic matrix and that a Forge is warped in beforehand. Given that the Photon Cannon can attack both air and ground units it is common to see these defensive structures strewn about Protoss expansion bases.

Each Nexus structure also provides ten supply to the Protoss player. A Nexus is required to be present on the field in order to warp in a Gateway or a Forge structure. As such it's important to keep your Nexi intact given their strategic important on the battlefield.

You must also remember that if all of your Nexi are destro[censored] the rest of your buildings will be revealed to the enemy until another Nexus is warped in. In base trading situations having a Nexus hidden away can make a significant difference in who wins the match.