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Starcraft 2 Factory Tactics And Units

If you have utilized the mech style of play, or have at least a modi[censored] of experience playing with the Terran race, then you know how fun and useful the factory is. If you've stuck to playing the bio style of play then these are facts you should quickly learn. The following article will look at the different dimensions of Starcraft 2 Factory tactics.

To begin with, let's have a look at exactly what the costs and capabilities of the factory are. In Starcraft 2 the cost will be 150 minerals and 100 gas. Addons will need to be purchased though, before other vehicles you want will be made available. For instance, the siege tank can only be purchased with an attached tech lab and will only operate in siege mode after the upgrade of 'siege tech'.

The siege tank is one of the top ground units in the game. When in siege mode they unleash devastating artillery s[censored] which can crush large units of enemy warriors. The creation of siege tanks can lend different advantages to the player. There is little more satisfying in Starcraft 2 than to watch as a whole swarm of siege tanks and other units demolish your opponent. The problem with a tank heavy strategy, however, is that they are susceptible to air units. For a more balanced forces deployment, a few tanks will generally sit back in siege mode while other units are deplo[censored] to the front.

The next vehicle which can be created is the [censored] ion. The [censored] ion is an interesting unit which essentially functions as a Firebat on wheels. They provide decent support for ground troops such as marines, but beyond this they are less dynamic than other units and provide relatively little fire power against stronger units. At 100 minerals they aren't particularly cheap and it isn't uncommon to opt for marines instead.

The third vehicle, and one of the most exciting new additions to Starcraft 2, is the almighty Thor. These are absolute behemoths. Thors can be produced at the additional cost of both a tech lab and armory. At 300 minerals and 200 gas, they are certainly not early game units though they can be used as part of a rush. This is an immense price to pay but well worth it provided that the Thor is properly supported. One of the best moments in the game to unleash these monsters is when the enemy has been drained of units and you go to make your final push.

Since you know what the factory can create, it is important to know when you want to build your factory. Do you want an early rush of powerful units? Or do you want to wait patiently before releasing a torrent of mech units on your opponent? Other buildings and upgrades require the construction of a factory in any case, so you will generally have at least one built.

Another important thing to consider is the amount of factories you should build. If you spend a good amount of resources on multiple factories early on then you may be vulnerable to enemy attacks before your production can kick in. The amount of factories built also depends on which style of play you wish to go for as well.

So these are the Factory strategies and units available. Units like the siege tank are old favorites and will be at the forefront of almost every Terran strategy, and with the introduction of Thor, a totally new style of play has been added to the game.