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The Basics Of Good Starcraft 2 Drone Tactics

Starcraft 2 Drone tactics will vary. The Drone is an unique unit in the Starcraft universe and they are certainly at the heart of any successful Zerg strategy. The Drone in the latest game stays true to Starcraft lore by staying true to the fact that they are biological entities which morph themselves into structures, rather then construct them through labor or transportation. Hence, having enough Drones and knowing when to wisely spawn them, is the key to any Zerg success.

During beta there were problems with Drones being able to mount successful rushes in the early game, they have since been further balanced. They are the main economic unit of any Zerg arsenal and are the soul miners and builders of this race. They have the ability to morph into structures, causing their death after the completion of that structure, and they can be salvaged if a building's construction is canceled before its completion.

Drones are an unit that are certainly needed in great numbers, but Zerg is a race that can really create units quickly, in large batches. Make sure, however, that you produce a sufficient amount of Drones before spawning your second hatchery, however, to ensure that you have sufficient resource collection while you wait for its completion. With more hatcheries comes the ability to spawn more Drones simultaneously, but building these hatcheries can be expensive.

Creating an early force of Roaches or Zerglings before building a secondary hatchery is sometimes a good idea, especially if going for quick aggression. Don't rely only on Drones for defense, even in the early game, if you allow your opponent to intimidate you early on they can easily take control of the flow of each battle, and subsequently, turn things in their favor. Individually Drones are also rather weak, their strength comes in a Zerg player's ability to spawn large amounts of them at the same time.

You should have at least two Drones at each mineral patch and at least three Drones in each gas extractor. This number is optimal and will prevent overlap, it will also allow you to free up more po[censored] tion for military units, which can give you a tactical advantage over your opponent. Drones can also make use of the extractor trick where one drone starts morphing into an extractor in order to free up supply for another drone and the extractor is then subsequently canceled.

Zerg Drones normally morph into structures that must be built on the Creep. Creep is the purple organism on which all Zerg structures are founded. Increasing one's Creep can have several tactical advantages even if you leave the Creep bereft of units or buildings. The only structures which can be built off of the creep are the Extractor and Hatchery.

Drones can become defensive structures on the Creep, which can subsequently attack enemy units. Protoss and Terran structures cannot be built on the Creep, so having good Creep spread can allow you to really monopolize much of the map.

Certainly at the end of the day, the Zerg Drone may not be a combat oriented unit but it is never-the-less a versatile worker capable of doing so much more than combating enemies directly. They are essentially the backbone of any Zerg success and are an unique unit that are quite different from other resource gathering, or structure building units. They add a certain flair to the game and certainly have their own role to play in an expansive universe.