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Starcraft 2 Baneling Nest Tactics

Before going ahead with Zerg Baneling Nest strategies, one should realize that Banelings make a powerful raiding force in the game. They can be quickly transported into the enemy base via Overlords and can create a havoc among enemy workers, units and structures.

The Baneling Nest is needed in order to be able to morph Zerglings into Banelings. This structure is available once the Spawning Pool is created. It has a decent amount of hit points however it should be created around the rear of your base.

When a Baneling attacks an enemy ground unit or building, a reaction takes place automatically in the dangerous chemical zone on the back of a Baneling, thereby triggering an explosive force that showers hot acid over a small area while the creature is blown to smithereens. This explosion does not affect friendly units or buildings.

Banelings by default do not move very quickly although they gain a decent speed bonus when moving on the Creep. The Baneling Nest has a single upgrade called Centrifugal Hooks. This upgrade is available once the Lair is created and allows the Banelings to roll around, increasing their movement speed.

Given the fact that the Baneling Nest can be built early in the game it's not uncommon to see Zerg players pushing forward with Banelings, Zerglings and other units. A common tactic against an opponent that has walled in is known as the Baneling bust. This tactic uses the Baneling's damage bonus versus structures to breach enemy walls, thus allowing other units direct passage into an enemy's base.

Banelings can also be used to har[censored] enemy workers either by moving them directly into the enemy base or by using an Overlord to transport them. Later in the game the Overlord loaded with Banelings can be used as a sort of bombing unit once it's speed bonus and transport abilities are researched.

When engaging an enemy ball one can move a group of Overlords over the enemy forces and then directly drop the Banelings on top of them. The Banelings will automatically detonate, causing immense amounts of damage in the midst of the enemy army. This tactic is less effective against the Protoss however as they can blink their Stalkers away from the approaching Overlords however this will leave their other units vulnerable. Banelings used against the Protoss in this manner would be better suited to taking out Zealots and expensive Sentry units.

As you can see the Baneling Nest can be an useful structure to create early on although the precise strategies for using Banelings would need to be tailored for your particular opponent.