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Starcraft 2 Infested Terran Tactics That Work

When playing Starcraft 2 as the Zerg you will usually make use of Infestors along with Infested Terrans that can be spawned from Infestors. These Infested Terran tactics will assist you in successfully using Infested Terrans to your advantage.

Infested Terrans can only be created via the Infested Terran spell cast by the Infestor. Once the ability is used the Infestor will throw and egg onto the ground. After a few seconds these eggs will hatch into Infested Terrans. Infested Terrans are roughly equivalent to Terran Marine units although they move a lot slower. After a short while the Infested Terran will expire regardless of the damage that it has taken.

This should not be discouraging because despite their bad speed they are able to cause a huge amount of damage using only Infestor energy. A single Infestor for example can spawn eight eggs at once when it's energy reserves are at maximum.

If you are able, it would be to your advantage if you can sneak in some Infestors into the enemy's base or expansion. They can easily go by without being noticed giving you a great chance and enough time to comfortably attack their workers and structures with Infested Terrans. Once the eggs have been spawned you can then retreat the Infestors before the enemy realizes what is happening and counter attacks.

Always have a keen eye for the enemy's air units that are out of place. You lock down enemy air units through the use of fungal growth and have just enough time to spawn Infested Terrans that will be able to inflict additional damage against air units. You however may need to refresh your fungal growth in order to bring down sturdier enemy air units.

Fungal growth is a crucial ability to use alongside Infested Terrans. It gives you the ability to glue your enemy in one place for a few seconds giving you enough time to spawn Infested Terrans. As the enemy units have been immobilized the Infested Terran's slow movement does not matter as much.

Infested Terrans can also be used to absorb damage on behalf of other Zerg units as they are temporary and have roughly the same amount of hit points as a Terran Marine. These units can also be spawned on top of a Terran force comprising Siege Tanks as these tanks will attack the eggs and Infested Terrans, inflicting splash damage on their own forces.

A rarer seen tactic against the Terrans is to spawn Infested Terrans near lone sieged tanks. As Siege Tanks cannot attack targets next to them while sieged this will force them to get out of siege mode. Once out of siege mode a handful of other Zerg units could be used to take them down.

Infested Terrans are also useful against Protoss air units although they should be used as more of a supporting unit in army versus army engagements.

Carefully spawned Infested Terrans can also be used to block massive ground units such as Thors and Ultralisks from getting closer to your own forces.