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Starcraft 2 Extractor Tactics That Are Worth Following

For the Zerg players that are looking to win at the game Starcraft 2, there are a few very useful Zerg Extractor tactics that are worth learning more about. Unless you use the right tactics you are going to find it very difficult to play this game.

The most well-known tactic used is known as the Extractor trick. This trick is used to get an extra drone out before creating an Overlord. This requires that you first create Drones until you are at the maximum supply level. Next, it is necessary to build your Extractor.

During the process when the Extractor is being built, you will notice that your supply usage will be reduced to nine out of a maximum of ten. This is when you produce another drone.

In order to get the Drone back from the Extractor, you will have to cancel the Extractor which will refund most of the cost of creating the Extractor. The extra Drone can then be used for other tasks such as scouting your opponent, making an Extractor at your opponent's base or as an additional unit as part of an early rush involving Drones and Zerglings.

The Extractor can be used to deny your opponent's gas early in the game or it can help keep units within their base to destroy your Extractor. Keep in mind that this tactic would have varying levels of effect depending on whether your opponent was going for a gas heavy build or not.

When building the Extractor in your own base you should assign three Drones to it to make the most out of this structure. Certain builds however may involve taking the Drones off of the gas once a certain amount has been reached.

Extractors should be created earlier on if you are going for a gas heavy build yourself. There are builds however where Extractors are not built until later on. This would normally involve investing in more Drones and Zerglings and then creating Extractors, leaving you with more mineral resources than what you would have had if you went for Extractors earlier on.

Keep in mind that Vespene gas is needed for more advanced units, structures and upgrades so unless the game is ended early you will have to create Extractors at some point in the game. You should also note that if this structure is destro[censored] it will not spawn Broodlings like most other Zerg structures in the game.