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Starcraft 2 Evolution Chamber Tactics And Tricks

This Starcraft 2 tactics guide will outline methods in maximizing the advantages offered by this essential structure. This building is part of the Zerg technology tree and hence only available to that particular race. Like most Zerg structures it looks essentially like a large worm or insect. When it is attacked and destro[censored] you'll actually see it has a skeleton, complete with spinal column, rib cage, and head.

Before you are allowed to build this structure you must have a Hatchery. Once the Evolution Chamber is established, your Zerg army now has a research center that can upgrade the offensive and defensive capabilities of several types of ground units. This structure is also the prerequisite for unlocking the anti-air defense structure known as the Spore Crawler.

Melee attack upgrades are one of the avenues of research available. This can be applied to your Banelings, Zerglings, Broodlings, and Ultralisks. There are three levels of upgrades which naturally scale in cost. The second level upgrade requires Lair. To have the third level available, you must have a Hive.

Another benefit from this tech structure is the opportunity to give your Hydralisks, Queens, Roaches and Infested Terrans better missile attacks. This upgrade increases the damage inflicted by the said units that will benefit from the upgrade. This improvement is also staggered along three levels with the second and third requiring a Lair and a Hive respectively.

For improving your ground units' armor, the ground carapace upgrade is the option to take. Its easy to take this advancement for granted as playing as Zerg usually puts one in an offensive frame of mind. But don't forget that to carry out an attack that will have high chances of success, your units should also be able to take the brunt of your enemy's fire.

One often used tactic that somewhat depends on this structure is what is commonly known as the Baneling Bust. This tactic is meant for Terran enemies and the basic objective here is to take down supply depots and their protective wall. Banelings are a good ground unit for removing the defensive wall. The attack upgrades researched at this building are especially useful for these units as their splash damage is also increased.

If the Evolution Chamber structure is killed, a small group of Broodlings will be spawned as this is the characteristic of all Zerg tech buildings.

Whether you choose to rush your opponent or play a more defensive game, the evolution chamber will always play a crucial support role. This is one of the structures that you should target for an early build in order to quickly improve your units.