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Information Concerning Starcraft 2 Spore Crawler Tactics

The Spore Crawler is the Zerg's basic static air defense structure. It sends out spores that inflict damage upon enemy air units. It can also detect cloaked units which makes it very useful. There was a structure in StarCraft 1 called a Spore Colony, but the Spore Crawler is very different. It is able to uproot itself and then root itself somewhere else on the Creep.

If you do decide to uproot this, you should make a note that when this takes place, it will lose it's detection ability so attempt to get it re-rooted as soon and as quickly as possible.

The great thing about this structure is that it is able to endure a great deal of damage and it can deal an immense amount of damage in groups. It can deal more damage than a Photon Cannon per second although it deals less damage than Missile Turrets. However, these structures are not very po[censored] r because the Queens are often used to fill in the spaces of air and ground defense early in the game.

Make sure that these are tightly packed because they will be more effective and efficient in this manner, just like every other air defense. This is important to remember so that you can be better prepared when facing your opponents' air units.

The main purpose of Spore Crawlers against the Protoss are the fact that they are used during the early game to help defend against Stargate play. They are also used with Queens, as previously stated, so that they can defeat the Void Rays and the Phoenixes. The Queen has the ability to stay near the Crawler and use it's range of anti-air attack to steer away any other air units.

The great thing about them as buildings is the fact that they are able to be immune from the Graviton Beam which is an offensive spell cast by the Phoenix.

Spore Crawlers are also used against Terran opponents in order to keep away Banshees. (A strong air-to-ground unit that has been built from a Starport with a Tech Lab add on.) Only use these in bulk however if you do not yet have access to Overseers for some sort of detection that you could possibly need.

If you find yourself fighting a Zerg opponent who switches to Mutalisks then please note that these structures can be used to defend your Drone lines and structures.

As you can see, you have plenty of Zerg Spore Crawler tactics that you can read about and utilize. These are many ways for you to defeat your opponent however it's important to defend your bases from attack and Spore Crawlers can assist in this regard against enemy air units.