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Star Ocean: The Last Hope

Star Ocean Last Hope is not an unfamiliar name for gamers who appreciate action role playing video games. Made only for X-Box 360 for Japanese and International for PS 3, this fourth part of the Star Ocean series basically focuses on team oriented play. Four party members attribute in the struggle system in Star Ocean Last hope.


Star Ocean Last Hope Narrative

The setting of the last hope is World Earth about to destruction in S.D 0010. The chaos and destruction is the outcome of World War III which had burst out among the World Republic Federation and their enemies. The weapons used in this particular war have rendered the planet almost inhabitable.

The po[censored] tion which made it through the war, residing in underground restrictions has formed an organization; the Greater United Nations which has further developed a body known as the Universal Science and Technology Administration (USTA). The Goal of USTA is to recognize a new world in outer space to move the staying po[censored] tion earth.
In the game, the first humans are on an expedition to find another planet where they could make it through.

Star Ocean Last Hope Gameplay

All the previous games of the series were based on real time fight system and so is The Last Hope. The number of battling players has again been returned to four, like in the first two parts of the gaming. In the third installation of the video game this number was minimized to three.
The new Rush Gauge feature allows the players to use a special ability or attack against the challenger or strike a preemptive blow. While the blindsides component allows players to head out of the line of sight of enemy and attack.

A Player can take the role of the captain of the Spacecraf SRF-003 Calnus. The Calnus has a flight deck where the purposes are prepared and a recreation room where the teammates can hangout. Team members can also conduct training sessions.

The Private Action system is what makes the video game really exciting. The main character Edge can interact and converse with his teammates during battles. When team members interact and make better fight choices, special events and cut scenes are unlocked. The more characters build rapports, more PA events unlock. More than 100 of these surprises are in store in the game.
The Star Ocean Last Hope also has a new attribute; the BEAT system through which the player can choose the preferred style of defending his employee.