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Discover the Intriguing yet Funny Features of Happy Wheels Game

Happy Wheels is the sort of physics game that addresses to a special niche of gamers. If you have a twisted sense of humor, you love to be seriously challenged and you enjoy gory games, then you should try Happy Wheels. 

What is intriguing about Happy Wheels is that the consequences of the gamers’ actions are quite severe and graphic violence is so much over the top that is actually viewed as humorous. The main purpose of most levels is to reach the finish line without injuring your character. If your character bumps into a wall or gets a tiny scratch the initial minor accident leads to blood loosing until the finish line can’t be reached anymore. The road is full of traps and characters are so fragile and exposed to accidents. What’s really weird is that if you keep your torso you might be able to finish the level victoriously. If your character loses important body parts it will keep bleeding abundantly and you will ultimately fail to accomplish victory. What’s also funny about Happy Wheels is that characters are so poorly equipped and exposed to all sorts of road traps.

The four characters you get to choose from might end up decapitated, crushed, shot, or slaughtered by fierce traps and obstacles. The ridiculous mess that happens once your character gets injured is absolutely hilarious. You even get the chance to replay the level and have another look at how your character gets splattered around. The first character you could choose is a homeless old man in a rocket powered wheelchair, the second is an office guy on a segway, the third is a man on a bike with a kid on the seat behind him, and the fourth one is an obese person in a motorized shopping cart full of groceries. Another intriguing yet funny thing is that characters can anytime on the road bounce out of their vehicles and die a horrendous death. What’s really challenging is to maintain your balance and avoid any sorts of nasty traps and strong impacts.

Happy Wheels was created in 2010 but since then new features were constantly being added. You can try the Happy Wheels 2 demo versions and see how challenging it is to accomplish your mission. The amount of user generated content is what makes this game so popular. You get all sorts of tools to create your own content. You can upload maps from a public server and use the level editor to design your courses. You can’t get bored of playing Happy Wheels 2 as there’s always something new to try when you get tired of old content and missions. Happy wheels 2 is a treasure for the physics-based games community and you should feel encouraged to give it a try. So, continue your browsing, find the official page for playing Happy Wheels 2 and enjoy a genuine, peculiar and gory gaming experience.

You can try playing Happy Wheels 2 at: Happy Wheels 2  and have fun with an awarded free game at: Happy Wheels