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Watch Dogs: The Wards ctOS Control Center – download codes, kill ctOS guards


Objective: Locate a guard with the access code
Objective: Download access code
Objective: Hack the ctOS server
Objective: Kill all the ctOS guards or escape the area

At the south side of the ctOS area you’ll find a gate. Access the camera and move it left to a second camera. Move this camera up and left where you’ll see a guard with an access code. Hack him.

Open the gate and wait for the guard to investigate, then take him down. Now get in the lift and head to the roof. Near the waypoint you can raise two protectors for better cover. Using the camera on the right activate the forklift and get the guard’s attention.

While the guards are checking out the forklift, drop down next to the waypoint and from behind the truck begin the hacking minigame.

Turn the left point once to unlock the middle point. Turn the lower middle point once. Turn the left point once again and unlock the upper middle point, turning it once. Turn the left point twice, thenthe lower middle point twice, unlocking the point on the far right. Click the far right point to access the camera and unlcok the ctOS straight ahead.

Doing this sends the guards in your direction, so run southwest and over the small fence, then run for freedom. The guards use foot so if you grab a car you an be out of their way in no time at all. Once again, get outside the white circle to finish the mission.

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