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Tips on how to Get Rich On Runescape!

Lots of individuals all of the time are asking me the way to get wealthy on Runescape, and frankly I do not know what they're expecting me to say. It's practically like asking a person the best way to get wealthy in the real planet as opposed to this specific on the net 1. What would you say to that? Search for an area of interest in the market, begin a business and function tough?

But let's be honest, it's not what people want to hear.

When people ask me this question, they know the answer; they know the need to level up and kill monsters for drops or do high level dungeons and so on. They know that with a decent amount of capital and a sensible head that merchanting and monster killer (or a combination of both) is the way to making millions upon millions of gp on Runescape.

They know what the answer is, they just don't like it because they're looking for some sort of magical quick fix solution. Again, you can parallel this back to the real world, everyone who's rich today (unless they inherited literally everything) got to where they were by hard work.

Always asking how to cheap runescape power leveling isn't going to achieve anything whatsoever, because you get rich by being smart and implementing your ideas - and if they fail? Then keep trying because you will get there. The difference between the rich and poor is that the poor carry on what they always do hoping to get rich by winning the lottery. The rich found something that worked and stuck to it until it didn't - and then moved on again. Doing the same thing, such as picking flax or cutting down yew trees is going to produce the same results - very little gold.