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The Correct Gaming Behaviour

Disrespect, bad manners and poor sportsmanship are just some of the things that can’t be avoided when playing online games. Yes, there are communities which are much more behaved than others. However, this kind of misbehavior is not exactly new in every multiplayer game in the World Wide Web. Most people do it and are even encouraged by anonymity. Nevertheless, it’s not an excuse to lose one’s manners. The following is a list of advice on proper online gaming etiquette:

Be a Good Sport- There are still immature gamers out there that end up laughing at their opponent’s demise and blowing up their own ego at their win. It’s advisable that you play it cool. Try humility for one and don’t rub it in your opponent’s face. You also shouldn’t take losses to heart. Don’t wrongly accuse them of cheating just because you lost. Don’t throw accusations when you don’t have proof to back it up. It is a fact that there are better players in the game. You just have to focus on practicing so that you hone your skill and become a better player.

Play Fair- If you value winning, then you must understand the significance of a fair fight. Using foul words just implies that you can’t play win without playing dirty. What you ought to do is to keep practicing and learn from the pros. If you feel that you can’t handle the competition, then it’s probably better to just look for a different game, rather than to cheat your way into success.

Don’t Spam- There are better ways to sell your product aside from flooding the chat system with spam. Spamming irritates people. You don’t have to repeat your message in a chat every second. If your target clients are not responding to your messages, then maybe they just aren’t really interested.

You were once a Noob Too- Players use a lot of slang and acronyms when playing the game. Of course, it’s impossible for everyone to be familiar with them, especially the noobs or the newbies. Instead of making fun of them and calling them noobs, try to help them out. Put yourself in their shoes. You were once a noob too.

Don’t just drop out of the game, particularly when losing. This is considered an act of rudeness and something that signifies being a very sore loser. Even if the team or the player isn’t doing well, it is proper for them to finish the game and congratulate the winner. There are legitimate reasons to suddenly pull out of a game, but being the loser is not one of them.

Put in Mind that you’re in a Team- You have to cooperate with your teammates a little. If winning is important to you, don’t be selfish and focus the limelight to yourself alone. You wouldn’t know, one bad move and you’re game is done, just because you refused to work with the team.

Ignore Insults- When opponents insult you, just ignore them. Insulting them back isn’t the best option, Or else, you’ll just look as pathetic as them. If the insults persist, you can choose ‘ignore’ functions that are available in some systems. It’s better to block negative vibes than welcome them.

Online gaming can become very intense and competitive, with some people getting upset and emotional over win-loss ratios. However, with a little etiquette and respect, problems can be minimized.