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Shopping for New Video Games

One common problem shared by anyone that calls themselves a "gamer" is this – which game should I buy next? With new, exciting titles released on a seemingly weekly basis, selecting the real winners and getting the most for your money can be a tough decision.

Buying a new video game can be a pretty big decision nowadays. The average current-generation game, whether it is for console or PC, costs upwards of $50, so making a poor choice is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of money. To avoid the hassle, it is best to do some research first, and make sure to select a game that you are sure to enjoy.

Selecting the best new games available is much more complicated today that it was in the past. Due to advances in technology, making development time easier and faster, many more games are released each month than were in the past. Due to the improved development platforms, there are also more "hit" games coming out today than there ever were before. Instead of just deciding to buy "the" blockbuster game of the year, gamers are now faced with choosing between the many blockbuster games released each year.

Careful research is necessary, because these days, you cannot trust one single game review source. Many magazine reviews are now tainted with biased reviews from the larger studios, which spend millions on advertising and promotions. Furthermore, with so many titles released, game reviewers have a large number of games to review, and may not be able to devote a lot of time to each title. This could result in an inaccurate review that doesn't truly represent the gaming experience that can be expected.

My suggestions for successful game selection are:

1 – Read several reviews from different sources

As mentioned, many review sources can be biased to certain publishers. Varying the sources of the reviews you read can help avoid this issue.

2 – Seek out independent or user reviews

There are many independent reviewers that post on youtube and other video sites. These are usually unpaid reviews, and can often be much more accurate and unbiased opinions on the quality of a game.

3 – Try before you buy

Most games, especially popular titles, are available for rent through services like Gamefly. It is often better to spend a little bit of money on a rental before committing to buy a game, and finding out it's not everything it was hyped up to be.

Following these easy tips, and doing some careful research, you should easily be able to select the winners from the losers. Happy gaming!