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Destiny: The Taken King Calcified Fragments Guide - All Locations

Calcified Fragments are the newest collectible item in Destiny and are available through the Taken King expansion. Most of these fragments are found in the Dreadnaught. When you collect your first fragment, a new quest will become available from Eris Morn called Shattered Past where Eris requests that you find five more fragments. Upon turning these five fragments in, she rewards your efforts with a Reciprocal Rune. Once you have gathered 45 fragments, you will receive the Touch of Malice Exotic Scout Rifle.

There are 50 Calcified Fragments total, and our goal with this guide is to help you track down each fragment to complete your collection. Each Calcified Fragment also has a specific number indicated by its Grimoire Card. For this guide, we have indicated the number and location for each Calcified Fragment so you can track them down a bit easier.

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Note: Images for each of the fragments will show the general location, with the second image showing the specific spot you can find the Calcified Fragment. If we already have it, you may not see the actual fragment in the second image, but rather our crosshairs pointing at where it should be. If you still don't see one there, be sure to check your Grimoire to make sure you haven't already been there and snagged it. Images and videos will appear above the paragraphs describing its location.

Mausoleum - Calcified Fragment 01: Starting at the Hull Breach, begin by heading through the archway on the right side of the Cabal ship wreckage. Proceed through the passage to reach the Mausoleum. From the Mausoleum entrance, follow along the wall on the right and continue toward the large beam of light on the opposite side of the area. Keeping to the right, locate a circular platform just before the chasm. Bring up your Ghost to reveal a hidden bridge, allowing you to cross the huge gap. Hop across the stone bridge pieces until you reach a platform on the other side. Look along the surface of the wall on the right to discover the Calcified Fragment.

Mausoleum - Calcified Fragment 02: Beginning at Hull Breach, make your way through the passage on the right of the Cabal ship wreckage until you reach the Mausoleum. Head to the other side of the area until you reach several doorways. You’ll want to head through the third doorway just past the barrier that separates it from the second door. It is a hexagonally shaped doorway that leads to a corridor lined with several glowing orange tanks. Proceed through the hallway and turn left. You should see another tank covered in the glowing orange growth straight ahead. Squeeze behind and look at the backside of this tank to locate the Calcified Fragment.

Mausoleum - Calcified Fragment 03: From the Hull Breach, begin by heading through the passage on the right side of the Cabal ship wreckage until you reach the Mausoleum. From the Mausoleum entrance, go to the other side of the room until you reach a series of doorways. Go through the second doorway. It is the square doorway near a small set of stairs, and is to the left of the hexagonal doorway from Fragment 2. Enter the square doorway and immediately turn left toward a small crack in the wall. Crouch down to head into the passage, and look up to the left to locate a small ledge. Hop up on the ledge to spot the Calcified Fragment wedged in the wall behind some crystals on the right.

Mausoleum - Calcified Fragment 04: Starting at the Hull Breach, move through the passage just to the right of the Cabal ship wreckage to make your way to the Mausoleum. When you reach the Mausoleum, turn left from the entrance and curve around wreckage on the left side. Look for a long red piece of metal debris along the base of the Cabal ship. The Calcified Fragment is on the topside of the red piece of metal, but you must move under and behind the metal piece to spot the fragment. If you enter the Mausoleum from the Hall of Souls, this red metal beam will be just to your right at the base of the Cabal ship window.

Hull Breach - Calcified Fragment 05: From the Hull Breach starting point, head through the archway on the right side of the Cabal ship wreckage leading to a passage made of debris. This is the same passage that leads to the Mausoleum. However, don’t go that far. Proceed through the passage until you see a flashing light on your left. There is a large metal grate lying to the right of the flashing light, and the Calcified Fragment is stuck on a section of this grate.

Hull Breach - Calcified Fragment 06: From the Hull Breach starting point, move toward the path that takes you to the Mausoleum. To the right of the tunnel is a set of green boxes along the wall. Further to the right of the boxes is a small doorway underneath the ledge. Head through this doorway and make a quick left to locate a small tunnel. Crouch into the tunnel, and walk forward into another narrower tunnel straight ahead. Take the first left through the tunnel just past a crystal on the left. Continue forward and pass by some wiggling larvae on the ground to head into yet another narrow tunnel. Keep to the left until you reach a chamber with a canister sitting on the right side of the room. You will find the Calcified Fragment at the far wall near the base of a pillar toward the left.

Hull Breach - Calcified Fragment 07: From the Hull Breach starting point, walk straight ahead toward the slanted metal rods sticking out of the ground. Notice the glowing red embers on the ends of the metal rods ahead? Curve to the left of these metal rods to locate a passage tucked beneath them, with several glowing orange containers lining the walls. Head into the passage, and make a quick left. You’ll see a bright light shining from a crystal on the left. The Calcified Fragment is wedged in a small opening just to the left of this bright light.

Hull Breach - Calcified Fragment 08: From the Hull Breach starting area, move forward toward the slanted rods coming from the ground ahead and look to the left. At the edge of the broken hull wall, you will see several ‘shelves’ that you can jump up. Proceed to jump up these shelf-like platforms. Hop up about five levels to get to the highest section. The Calcified Fragment is along the slope of this top level.

Hull Breach - Calcified Fragment 09: Begin by selecting the Hull Breach location on your map. From the Hull Breach starting point, head toward the Cabal ship wreckage. Locate a small pile of broken metal debris in the area in front of the ship thrusters. You should easily spot the Calcified Fragment glowing in the center of the mound.

Hall of Souls - Calcified Fragment 10: To get to the Hall of Souls, start off at the Court of Oryx. In the Court of Oryx, move forward past the center platform, and go toward the right. Hop over the gap to the platform to the right. Jump up to the higher platform ahead, and turn left into the doorway. Crouch into the hole in the wall on the right and progress through the tunnel. Exit this tunnel and enter another one straight ahead. Make a sharp turn at the first left, and a few steps ahead you will find the Calcified Fragment stuck on the wall behind some crystals on the right.

Hall of Souls - Calcified Fragment 11: Begin at the Court of Oryx, but this time go toward the back of the room with the soft red lighting. Head through a short hallway on the very left. Continue until you reach the large chasm. Bring up your Ghost to reveal the hidden bridge pieces leading to a platform on the upper right. Make your way across the chasm, following the bridge pieces to the round platform on the right wall. Once on this platform, the Calcified Fragment is on the back of a panel sticking out from the wall on the left.

Hall of Souls - Calcified Fragment 12: Begin at the Court of Oryx once again, facing the back area with the red lighting. Go through the doorway on the far right. Curve around the corner to the right, and locate a room with several square columns. You will see a set of layered columns across from the doorway. Scale the columns by jumping up each one. As you go up, you’ll see the Calcified Fragment glowing in a small space in the wall behind one of the columns. Hop into the space, and snag the precious collectible.

Hall of Souls - Calcified Fragment 13: Starting at the Court of Oryx, head toward the chasm to the right. Locate a rectangular column that has the Calcified Fragment stuck to its left edge. Hop across the chasm to the top of the column and grab the fragment.

Trenchway - Calcified Fragment 14: This Calcified Fragment is located in the Trenchway, where your first encounter on the Dreadnaught took place. Cross the chasm using the hidden bridge revealed by your Ghost. Enter the passage on the right, and crouch through the tunnel to the left, as if you are heading to the Hall of Souls. Go through the crack on the right, and continue left to the end of the corridor. Stop just before the last tunnel on the left. You will see some square shaped columns strewn about, and the Calcified Fragment is located on the underside of one of these columns.

Trenchway - Calcified Fragment 15: From the starting area of the Trenchway, make your way to the chasm with the invisible bridge system. Use your Ghost to reveal the bridge platforms and hop across, keeping to the path on the right. Head through the archway on the right indicated by your mission pointer. Continue to the end of the corridor where you had scanned the larvae in the previous mission. Locate a pile of square columns stacked on the right. The Calcified Fragment is tucked in between these slanted square columns. You may need to hop up on the columns to see it, but we guarantee it’s there.

Trenchway - Calcified Fragment 16: This is one of the first fragments you will encounter in the main story quest, so there is a chance you already have this fragment. Nevertheless, we will help you track it down. When you first spawn at the Dreadnaught, prior to exploring the Trenchway, look down to the left. There is a blob of growth on the wall sloping downward. Hop down and investigate the outer edge of this blob to locate the Calcified Fragment.

Trenchway - Calcified Fragment 17: From the initial starting point of the Dreadnaught mission, you will see a little orb of light that dashes down a hall in an attempt to guide you to the Trenchway. Ignore the light, and instead walk forward to the end of the starting area to where you’ll find another hallway on the right. This hallway is a dead end, but it is also the location of a Calcified Fragment. Search the left wall to find the collectible.

Regicide - Calcified Fragment 18: Although this Calcified Fragment is located in the Trenchway, it is only available during the Regicide mission. Once you defeat the two Taken bosses for this mission, you will pass through a second Rupture that leads you to the Trenchway. There is a large, fancy door on the opposite side of the chasm. Use the stone bridge to cross the gap. Search the area to the left of the door to find the Calcified Fragment on the far left edge of the wall. Note: This is the final Calcified Fragment of the Regicide story mission, so grab 24, 25 and 27 first.

Trenchway - Calcified Fragment 19: From the starting area of the Trenchway, cross the chasm using the hidden bridge, keeping to the path on the right. Instead of going through the archway for the mission, bring up your Ghost and look across the chasm just to the right of the archway to reveal another hidden bridge. Hop across this bridge to a small platform leading to a dark corridor. Clear out the few Thrall, then search a small alcove on the right to find the Calcified Fragment.

Trenchway - Calcified Fragment 20: When you reach the Trenchway where the hidden bridge is located, proceed to cross the bridge to the other side. Rather than going right toward the archway like you normally would, this time head left toward the end of the walkway. Keep your Ghost out to reveal another bridge leading back across the chasm to the left. Hop across until you reach one last invisible platform that leads to a dark passage. In the chamber ahead, move along the left wall and search near a glowing tank to find the Calcified Fragment.

The Founts - Calcified Fragment 21: Select the Patrol option on your map and head to the Hull Breach. This collectible is technically found in The Founts, but the route is via the Mausoleum. Head to the archway to the right of the Cabal ship thrusters, and continue through the passage until you reach the Mausoleum. Pass through the Mausoleum, keeping to the left side. Locate the doorway closest to the large beam of light. It should be to the right of the hexagonally shaped door where you found Fragment 02. Proceed through the doorway, and head down the hall on the right. The Calcified Fragment can be found just beyond the metal gate at the end of the hallway.

The Founts - Calcified Fragment 22: This Fragment is just around the corner from Fragment 21, so follow the same initial steps to get to this location. At the end of the hall where Fragment 21 was located, turn left. As soon as you enter the next area, you are in The Founts. Look up and to the right to spot the Calcified Fragment near the ceiling. Jump up on some nearby platforms to reach the collectible.

The Founts - Calcified Fragment 23: As with Fragments 21 and 22, you will want to head to the Mausoleum via the Hull Breach in Patrol mode. Picking up where we left off at Fragment 22, continue down the corridor to the left, and drop down the hole to the lower level. Continue forward and to the right. The Calcified Fragment is across the room on the far left side. There are two crates in the corner to the left of a crack in the wall. Shoot the backside of one of the crates to reveal a very well hidden Fragment.

Regicide - Calcified Fragment 24: This Fragment is found during the Regicide story mission. Once you play through a bit of the mission, you will go through your first portal, leading you to the Asylum. This chamber has a large door in the center and two platforms on each side. From the entrance to the Asylum, take a few steps down the staircase to your left, and look over the edge toward a long metal support beam. The Calcified Fragment will be at the end, where the metal beam connects to the far wall.

Regicide - Calcified Fragment 25: This Fragment is also found in the Regicide mission, a short distance away from Fragment 24. Play through the Regicide mission until you reach the Asylum. From the Asylum entrance, walk down the stairs on the left. Before reaching the bottom of the staircase, look toward the dropoff to the left and bring out your Ghost to scan the chasm. You will spot a hidden bridge near the bottom of the gap. Drop down from the stairs and onto the nearest bridge piece. Hop to the next smaller bridge piece, and turn around to face the main area. You will see the Calcified Fragment glowing on a platform near where you jumped down from. Hop to the platform to claim your collectible.

Sunless Cell - Calcified Fragment 26: This Calcified Fragment is found during the Sunless Cell Strike. As you progress through the Strike, you will encounter a room full of suspended pods hanging from the ceiling. When you enter this room, go left. Just before crossing the bridge, look up to your left to locate a high platform. Jump up on this platform, and you’ll find the Calcified Fragment tucked in its left corner.

Regicide - Calcified Fragment 27: There is yet another Calcified Fragment to be found during the Regicide story mission. Just after facing a pair of bosses, you will enter a portal that takes you to the Asylum. When you spawn into the area, there will be several coffin-like boxes surrounding you in a circle. Spin 180 degrees and look underneath the coffin box behind you to locate Calcified Fragment 27.

Shield Brothers - Calcified Fragment 28: This Fragment can be found during the Shield Brothers Strike, but can be a bit tricky to locate. Continue through the Strike until you defeat the Goliath tank. Enter the Bridge zone, and wait for a door to unlock to the next hallway. Proceed through the hall, turning right and then left. You will come upon a room with several enemies. From the entrance, turn right and locate a pile of metal beams and debris near the wall. Look between a crevice near a white metal beam to discover the Calcified Fragment.

King’s Fall - Calcified Fragment 29: The next few Fragments are found during the King’s Fall Raid. For this Fragment, continue until you get to the room with the teleporter lift. Don’t go up the lift just yet. Hop up on a pillar in the center of the room that separates you from the teleporter lift. On the edge of this pillar, you will find the Calcified Fragment near the right corner.

King’s Fall - Calcified Fragment 30: This Fragment is found just after Fragment 29 in the King’s Fall Raid. Continue to take the teleporter lift up to the next area. When you enter the Basilica, you will immediately spot Calcified Fragment 30 at the base of a pillar to your right.

King’s Fall - Calcified Fragment 31: Continue through the King’s Fall Raid and complete the War Priest encounter. Make your way to Golgoroth’s Cellar. Take the first left down a dark, dank corridor. At the next intersection, go left again. Continue down the dark corridor until you reach a dead end. Jump up on a pile of rocks near the wall, and look to the right to spot the Calcified Fragment.

King’s Fall - Calcified Fragment 32: This Fragment picks up where we left off at the previous Fragment location in Golgoroth’s Cellar in the King’s Fall Raid. Continue from Golgoroth’s Cellar and make your way to the next area. After you beat Golgoroth, pass through a room that has a large rock in the center and continue on to the next room. Turn left, and look up to locate a small ledge. Calcified Fragment 32 will be located on top of the ledge, just to the right of the doorway. Jump up to snag the collectible.

King’s Fall - Calcified Fragment 33: Continue from where you left off at Fragment 32 in the King’s Fall Raid. You will encounter a platforming puzzle in the next area. Near the beginning of this jumping puzzle, hop down to the lowest platform possible. Walk to the end of the platform, just past the spike that shoots out from the wall. You will find the Calcified Fragment at the corner of this platform, hugging the wall.

Mausoleum - Calcified Fragment 34: This Fragment is actually granted to you by finding the “A Scent is Key” chest in the Mausoleum. We also suggest you prepare yourself with items that give you the best movement speed, as you will need to move quickly to get this chest. Begin by heading to the Mausoleum via the Hull Breach as we have shown you previously. Head through the second square door on the left of the Mausoleum if you are facing away from the Cabal ship. This is the same door we went through for Fragment 03. Crouch into the crawlspace to the left, and wait there for a while. You will gradually pick up the Scent of the Worm. When you have gained the Scent of the Worm, you will have precisely one minute to sprint to the chest location, so get ready to move.

The chest is located on a platform on the far left side across the chasm, closest to the bright beam of light. Run to the right side of the Mausoleum toward a circular platform before the chasm. This is also where you began looking for Fragment 01. Bring up your Ghost to reveal the hidden stone bridge, and quickly start jumping across the bridge pieces to the left. Once you reach the far left platform, locate the chest near the back wall. Open the chest to add one more Calcified Fragment to your collection.

Hall of Souls - Calcified Fragment 35: Head to the Mausoleum via the Hull Breach as we have shown you previously. Once at the Mausoleum, move along the room to the right, toward the beam of light. Head through a doorway on the right and continue until you reach the Hall of Souls. Hop down onto the platform on the right, and enter the room. Crawl through the tunnel on the right, and continue forward through the next tunnel ahead. From here, you will go straight into the small space ahead of you with the chest, rather than to the left as you did previously. However, the chest is protected by a debuff that will slowly kill you. You will need to use your subclass Super while opening the chest in order to survive, if your Super is duration based. This works best with the Titan. You can also use your sword’s guard function to survive the damage. Either way, once you survive long enough to unlock the chest, the Calcified Fragment is yours.

Hall of Souls - Calcified Fragment 36: To obtain this Fragment, you must first charge the Agonarch Rune. This requires you to kill the seven Taken daily targets during the Dreadnaught Patrol. Once you have a charged Agonarch Rune, proceed to the Founts in the same route we took to find Fragment 23. Drop down the hole to the lower level, and head right to the end of the room. To the right of where you found Fragment 23, there is a crack in the wall. Go through the crack and into the next room, where there will be a glowing device. Place your charged Rune into the device, and follow the in-game instructions. This involves killing a Taken boss as well as several Taken and Hive enemies. When finished, a chest will emerge in the center of the room, allowing you to collect Calcified Fragment 36 and some other loot.

Mausoleum - Calcified Fragment 37: This Fragment requires you to have a Skyburners Command Beacon, which is obtained during a quest chain of the same name. First, head to the Hull Breach in Dreadnaught Patrol and begin killing the Cabal that spawn in front of the broken Cabal ship. When they send reinforcements, you will battle either a Cabal Centurion or Colossus. Defeat the yellow leveled enemy and they will drop a Skyburners Command Beacon. Enter the front of the Cabal ship and look left. There is a computer terminal that you must activate using the Skyburners Command Beacon. Continue through the event until you receive the Skyburners Deployment Codes.

Now, head to the Mausoleum. Turn around to face the ship and hop through a small window to a control room. Enter the Codes into the console found in this room. Doing so results in another timed activity, so just follow the in-game instructions to complete the next event. When finished, you will receive a Skyburners Security Pass. Take this Pass to the same control room where you entered the Codes, and locate a door that you can open with the Security Pass. Calcified Fragment 37 is found in the chest beyond this door.

Random - Calcified Fragment 38: Before searching for this Fragment, you must first have a Wormsinger Rune, which is randomly dropped by Hive Knights and Wizards on the Dreadnaught. Once you have a Wormsinger Rune, you can take it to one of several consoles to activate an event. One of these consoles is found in the Hull Breach of the Dreadnaught Patrol. From the Hull Breach starting point, run to the right and drop down off the ledge to locate a doorway. Enter the door and use your Rune in the nearby console to activate the event. Defeat the Hive boss, and he drops a Wormfeeder Rune. Then, you must kill 50 enemies in the Dreadnaught without dying. Successfully complete this task to receive a Key to a specific chest. Use whichever Key you received to open the corresponding chest of the same name, and obtain the Calcified Fragment.

Hall of Souls - Calcified Fragment 39, 40, 41, 42: The next several Calcified Fragments are earned by completing Tier 2 of the Court of Oryx Public Event. First, you must obtain a Stolen Rune, and charge it up by completing three Tier 1 Events in the Court of Oryx. With the charged Stolen Rune, you can now complete the Court of Oryx Tier 2 Event. These Fragments will drop randomly after completing the event, so keep repeating the Tier 2 Event until you’ve collected all four Fragments.

Nightfall Strike - Calcified Fragment 46: This Calcified Fragment can be earned upon completion of a Nightfall Strike. Defeat Darkblade, and get a Calcified Fragment. It’s that simple.

Hall of Souls - Calcified Fragment 47, 48, & 49: These Fragments can be earned by completing the Tier 3 Court of Oryx Public Event. To participate in the Tier 3 event, you must first obtain an Antiquated Rune and proceed to fully charge the Rune by completing three Tier 2 Court of Oryx events. A fully charged Antiquated Rune can now be used to activate the Tier 3 Court of Oryx Public Event.

here are several weekly bosses that alternate for the Tier 3 Court of Oryx Event, and different Calcified Fragments are awarded for defeating each boss. Killing Thalnok can earn you Fragment 47, defeating Balwur can grant you Fragment 48; and eliminating Kagoor can reward you with Fragment 49.

Court of Oryx (Hall of Souls) - Calcified Fragment 50: To get this Fragment, you must complete a bounty obtained by doing the Tier 1 Court of Oryx Public Event. Once you have the bounty, complete the bounty chain objectives to earn Calcified Fragment 50. The bounty drop is random, so you just have to keep playing the event until you get a bounty that will give you the Fragment. Good luck!

We're still working away at these, so expect more to be added very shortly. For now, however, we have lots of great tips and ideas for you at our Destiny:The Taken King Walkthrough and Guide.