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Mortal Kombat Walkthrough Chapter 12 - Stryker

Chapter 12 - Stryker

The scene begins with Goro, Shang Tsung and all of Shao Kahn's leutentients fighting over who will take control now. After we find Shao Kahn has survived the death blow and that Quan Chi help Shao Kahn recover quickly from what would have been a mortal to any mortal. Quan Chi reveals much about Sindel's plan, that she understood the protections provided by the Elder Gods were much thinner than they were made out to be. Quan Chi assures his Emperor that he can resurrect Sindle, destroying the Ward she created and restoring her to Shao Kahn's side and making her much more cooperative than she was before. We see Quan Chi and Noob standing over a swirling green mass as a skeleton emerges from the sands and wreaths as life returns to it. This the rebirth of Queen Sindel.

The scene fades to black and we find Stryker and Kabal on top of a building calling in information about the outworld invasion force. Unfortunately, Reptile begins to scale the building that they are on. Stryker and Kabal open fire on the being who easily evades the bullets and makes it to the roof.

Stryker, like Jax, has a more military style. You will want to make good use of his Baton Sweep (Down, Away + Back Kick) move as well as his Grenades (Down, Away + Punch) for range. His X-Ray does not have a lot of range but it is very destructive when it hits.

Reptile is not too hard as your first opponent as Stryker. You will find some time to discover the basics of Stryker's style and start playing it against Reptile's weaknesses. Reptile will count on his acid attacks a fair bit, but not so much invisibility. It won't take long to take him down.

After this fight, Stryker convinces Kabal they need to head to street level as their present position has been compromised. When they arrive at street level they see a girl in purple looking out over all the destruction. Kabal wonders if she is friend or foe but Stryker is certain she is an enemy. He is right.

Mileena is the girl, who pulls off her mask, showing her vicious teeth. This is not her hardest setting but she does put up a good fight. Keep on guard for her Roll and Teleport attacks more than her Sai strikes.

Just after that, Raiden makes himself known to Stryker, launching bolts of lightning at Mileena, pushing her away from him. He starts to explain things when Johnny Cage is fighting Montaro and he quickly departs to help out his compatriot. Stryker thinks he is seeing one of Johnny Cage's movies at the moment. Unfortunately, that is when Kintaro makes his appearance, launching a gout of flame that engulfs Kabal. As he friend rolls around, putting out the flame Stryke engages Kintaro.

Kintaro is surprising to encounter in what seems so early in the chapter. He has his hit shield bit so keep all assaults careful. You can easily dodge his Jump Stomp attack by jumping away once he clears the top of the screen. It will be a slightly easier fight than usual against one of the boss monsters.

Once Kintaro is down, Stryker calls in for a medi-vac for Kabal. Once he gets confirmation that help will arrive in 10 minutes, a strange person will grab Stryker and pull him into a nearby Subway. Ermac reveals himself, saying that he is there to claim Stryker's soul for the Emperor.

Ermac can be a bit of a fight. Still, using Stryker's Grenades you will find a bit easier to deal with. Keep aggressive and he should go down fairly fast.

After that battle ends, a new warrior shows up, Nightwolf. He tells Stryker that he is one of Eath's defenders and he should come with him to meet Lord Raiden. Stryker hesitates and has some doubts about it. Still, he heads up with the Native American. When they get back to street level they find that someone has grabbed Kabal.