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LA Noire Walkthrough Part 4 - The Driver's Seat

L.A. Noire - The Driver's Seat

Case one after your promotion, in the traffic department. After a fun introduction, you are put in squad to learn. Your first case is to make it out an old warehouse where you will be investigating a car with signs of foul play about it. Head out of the police station and hop into the car. Check your map and you will find not only the location of your assigned case, but a street scene crime as well.

To get to your assigned crime scene, take 1st, where you start, down to Alameda St and turn right. Follow it all the way to 7th and your scene. When you get there you're let in and you find your first witness. Just walk on up to the scene.

Nate Wilkie is the person who called it in. Just beyond the car, look on the ground to find a pipe with blood on it. Twist it right to find the brand name. Next, to the right of the pipe near the pole is a wallet and a pair of glasses. The wallet has the owner's operating license with address, on the left side that you need to investigate. Investigate the glasses, twisting them to the right to find out more about them.. Next, take a peek in the car, the driver's seat to see quite the spray of blood. Talk with the coroner to clear him out the way . Finally, look in the trunk of the car. Grab the piece of paper on the left to find an unusual order for a live pig from the slaughter house.

Nate Wilkey Interview
Purpose at the scene
Here you will just be learning about things, as there was no real evidence against Mr. Wilkey at this time. Working the railway. He thought he'd take a shortcut. Either lie or truth and nothing here really pointed to Mr. Wilkey so he has to be telling the truth.

Adrian Black
Nate states he does not know an Adrian Black. Again, no real evidence goes for or against him so believe him. Next he is asked about the car itself. He knows the regular cars that park there but this one he saw a few nights back in the other lot.

When you ask about the wallet Nate's temper suddenly flares. While no solid evidence is against him, you can doubt it. This seems to get something out of him, and the interesting detail that there wasn't any money in the wallet, not even change.

You have to go with truth as there is no evidence. Still, you learn that the blood was dried already by the time Wilkey found it.

Your partner tells you that now that you're done on the scene it's time to inform the wife about what has happened. You can tell your partner to drive to quickly skip to your destination now.

Black Residence
When you get the Black Residence, you'll want to walk up and knock. You will meet the wife, Margaret Black. Phelps will inform her about finding the abandoned car and she will confirm that her husband hasn't been home for a while.

Follow your partner into the bed room. First look at the nightstand, you will find a matchbox, giving a bar's number that Adrian possibly went to. Investigate the dresser to the left with the mirror to find the matching glasses case and a photo. In both cases, you will want to investigate the item further to find out the titillating details. Turn around and investigate the closet. You will find a missing suitcase and a ticket used to go to Seattle. Head out of the room and straight forward to get to the entry way with the telephone. Take the advice the game gives you and use the phone. This gives you the address of the bar. Head to the right into the dining room. There, on the left corner you will find a newspaper you can investigate. Now, head straight into the kitchen and look at the small table there. There are two items, one is the receipt for the installation, the other a flier for Instaheat. Head out of the kitchen through the door to your right and loop around the house. You will find a dismantled heater. You can put it back together fairly easily. The long orange pipe goes in the top right. The blue pipe on the left goes on the right side. And the L-shaped blue pipe goes on the far left side. With that, its time to go question Mrs. Black.

Margaret Black
Slaughterhouse Receipt
This first question reveals that Adrian runs a tool business. Once Phelps mentions an “F. Morgan”, Margaret tells that is Frank Morgan. There is no proof against her so it is very much the truth. This man is the foreman under Adrian, who is apparently somewhat shady and the pair of them would regularly go out and drink together.

Stenzel Glasses Case
Margaret tells us that her husband just got a new pair of glasses. Honestly, there is no proof to show a contradiction, so truth is the best option (Doubting or lying gets a strong reaction). She tells us he tried to repair his old pair of glasses with tape and they look terrible for it.

Location of Adrian Black
She tells us that he was going out for a drink. No proof contrary to this, so truth is the best option. She tells us that he came home and left early that day, both somewhat odd for him.

Photograph singed “Nicole”
When asked about the photograph, she tells us its from his recent business trip. This time she is lying, think about things, especially with the note on the back of the photograph! Call her on it and present the concealed message. She is very distraught over that but she still just wants her husband home safe.

Cavanagh's Bar matchbox
There is plenty of evidence to support what she says, so truth. Until recently he apparently was a regular there. Now though he has been to Seattle a lot on business.

Alibi for Mrs. Black
Time to find out what she did last night. No one can vouch for her, but she tells us she made dinner then waited for him to show.

With that, it is time to go visit the Bar and see if there are any new angles to take on this thing.

Cavanagh's Bar
Walk on into the bar. In truth police fashion, talk with the Bartender. He will tell you where to find Frank Morgan, who is now alone in the back. He is the one sitting the middle table, the only one with with an empty car. Time to sit down and have a nice little chat with him.

Link to abandoned vehicle
Your partner calls things right as you talk with Frank. Call out Frank on his lie, choose the slaughterhouse receipt that has his name on it. He explains that Adrian was falling for a Seattle girl and he wanted Frank to make it look like he was attacked. This opens a new question for him

Location of Adrian Black
Doubt what he says. He'll spill that Adrian is holed at his place, giving you the address. Hop into your Police Car and head on over there. En route you'll get a message that the blood in the car was swine blood.

You now have the option of arresting Morgan. This is entirely your call. It only makes a small difference overall in the ending of this case but your rating is unaffected.

Morgan's Apartment
Head on in, look at the mailboxes to the left, then go up the stairs and turn left. You'll only see one door you can open, first one of the left. Head in to encounter Adrian. He really is a bad liar when he says he's just going to grab his things. Hold the run button to kick in the door, break left and go through the window you see. Keep holding forward to chase down Adrian on the fire escape. Head left at the top of the Fire Escape to keep on his heels. Just head left to stay on him. Your partner will stop him from getting too far. Just run to the left once again.

Once again, at the end of the case, we see a flashback to Phelp's time in the army.