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LA Noire Walkthrough Part 16 - A Walk In Elysian Fields

LA Noire  - A Walk In Elysian Fields

This case starts simply enough once you get to the crime scene. Walk over to the four bodies that are at just in front of you. Now look behind them on the ground to find a photograph by an evidence marker. After that, head outside and follow the fence along to find a burnt water heater. If you turn around and head toward the road you will find a newspaper on the ground. Now head toward the house with the neighbor waiting outside, to the left of the house you were in. Before you talk with him, take a moment to look around tree that is near that very low wall. You will find some cigarette butts to examine and note as well as some boot prints. Now it's time to interview the neighbor Dudley Forman

Dudley Forman
Morelli Fire Witness Report – Doubt
Suspicious Activity – Doubt
Planned Demolitions – Doubt
Promotional Travel  Contest – Truth

After your talk he will give you an origami crane that you'll need to examine to get more information from. Call this in to get the address of Elysian Fields. Time to head to the next stop, Rancho Escondido.

Rancho Escondido
When you get here, you've got a quick little brawl on your hands. Just deck them out fast and you'll be fine. Once you finish there, head over to where your partner is for a clue that you'll need to examine further. Once done, you'll need to head over to Elysian Fields.

Elysian Fields
Once here you need to talk with Leland Monroe. Get your bearings first by talking with the lady you see behind the desk. Head on up the stairs and talk with another secretary to find your way to Monroe's office.

Leland Monroe
Elysian Fields Linked to Arson – Doubt
Promotional Travel Contest – Lie backed by the Elysian Fields Flyers
Local Land Acquisition – Doubt
Rancho Escondido Fire – Lie backed by the Poor Cement Quality

After the cutscene at the end of your chat with Monroe, look at the names on the desk and choose Herbert Chapman. Head downstairs now and use the phone to get some information on him.

Herbert Chapman's Apartment
Once you get here, you will want to check his trunk. Inside you will find some items of interest, like Mosquito Coils, .45 Caliber Ammunition and Elysian Field Contest Fliers. After all that, it's time to chase down Chapman who decides to run. The problem here is you need to derail a trolley! Slam into the left-side of the trolley as much as possible to get off the tracks. The kicker here is you need to keep the damages as low as you can and avoid running people over (remember, “Serve and Protect” is the police motto). This doesn't end terribly well, but the case is solved!