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LA Noire Walkthrough Part 18 - A Polite Invitation

L.A. Noire – A Polite Invitation

As usual for arriving at an apartment complex, look at the mail boxes to find out which apartment you're going to want to head to, number 2.

Curtis Benson's Apartment
Head on in and once introductions are aside, head to the left and look at the desk behind Benson. You'll find an insurance agreement. After that, look at the table to the right to find a Share Certificate. Take a moment and have a little fun by kicking in the double doors. Having found both things, it's time to have a little chat with Curtis Benson.

Curtis Benson
Motive for fraud – Lie backed by the shares of proof
Suburban Redevelopment – Lie backed by the Insurance Agreement
Buchwalter Case Settlement – Doubt

This is followed by a short little cut scene and then you head over to the California Fire and Life.

California Fire and Life
Once you're there, head into the elevators in the back of the building. Take it up one floor and into the first door on your right. Head into the office and then look into the folder on the desk. Take a good look at everything in the folder, the blueprints and the certificate. Be sure to note the longitude and latitude. Also note the previous property owner and and insurance. Next stop is the Hall of Records.

Hall of Records
Head on up stairs and then look into the Company Register. Flip it to the second page and on the right-hand side you'll see a familiar name, Courtney Sheldon.

The second part is using the map to go to the coordinates that Cole is muttering to himself. The second thing you will be doing is using the calculator to divide 1,876,988 by 90,000. Now head on over to the U-section of the records. Pull out another ledger and click, on the second page, on Randal Jones.

Next is a little action sequence of joy. After all this you'll be heading over to Kelso's Apartment. Head on in answer the phone. After all that is a second cutscene where you will find your way to Leland Monroe's Mansion. You're in for a long gun fight. If the people are giving you a lot of grief, remember to grab the weapons from people who've tried and failed to get you.

Now open up the safe in the office. There are three things to see here, the first is Shares Certificate, the second is the notebook which you should open up and last is the LAPD file on Fountaine. Search the desk where you will find a folder. Click on any of the names in the folder to hear something about them. Search for the photo and the newspaper to learn a bit more about what's going on. That will wrap things up for this case.