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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 24 – Dam Battle

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 24 – Dam Battle

Hit the gas and head up the hill with a turbo boost. Anytime you see a sign in front of you, just turbo and enjoy the rush of speed (and air time). After the third jump you'll be in a canyon with boulders. Try to avoid them as they do a lot of damage. Just keep going straight forward.

Eventually you'll see a gunship in front of you. Turbo boost into the sucker then bail out of the Mighty Foot. Head to your right to find a ladder to get out of the water. Get to the top and head to the right. You've got a friend there yelling at people. Let him go and head down the opposite side.

You've got a fire fight on your hands so pull out the guns and lay into them. Be sure to grab one of the RPGs you come across, you're going to need it very soon. That and there are some ammo crates around, making it blasting time.

At the far end of the bridge, after you take out the enforcers, you've got a problem. A very big problem. A Battlelord makes its appearance by throwing its large gun down in front of you. Make for some cover and start blasting him with the RPG. If you've got a holo-duke, now's a good time to use it, especially if you're close to the EDF ammo crate.

Once you stab the Battlelord in the eye, you're onto round two. He's a lot more mobile now and will actively try to stomp you to death. It'll still take at least 10 RPG rounds to get him down this second time. Still, keep at it and be sure to humiliate him for the Ego Boost.

Once you kill the Battlelord, head down to the far end of the dam. You'll see a glowing repelling station. Interact with it to drop down safely. Now head to the right and through the door. Head down the stairs to make it to the next part.