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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 23 – Highway Battle Part 2

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 23 – Highway Battle Part 2

Hop out of the Mighty Foot. It's out of gas for the third time now. Run ahead and toward the town. You're going to have some company. Run for the tower to get a Rail Gun. This helps a lot with the Pig Cops that attack you, especially the distant one on the turret. Kill them then hop down from the tower. Head forward but stay to the left a bit. You'll find another Rail Gun in the remains of a house if you need more ammo for it or another Pig Cop makes it to the turret.

Duck under the remains of the truck and head on forward. Again, keep to the left. Head up the slope and deal with the numerous pig cops along the way. Be sure to use the rocks as cover to make this small part a lot easier. Once you get near the bridge, grab the rail gun to easily dispatch the pig cops on the far side of it. Be sure to quickly take care of the one arming the turret to the right. After that, cross it to man the turret and deal with a few ways of Pig Cops then a Gunship. You can find an RPG and an ammo crate near the standing turret so use whatever you want to. I'd recommend the RPG as the Gunship comes in firing and explosives are much harder to dodge.

Once you down the ship, climb up its wreckage to the next ledge. Head to the left. Smash through the wood blocking your way and head into the mine. Head up the first steep slope on your right. You'll find a mine cart with some barrels inside it. Chuck the barrels out and push it to the top of the slope. Hop into the cart and pull the handbrake back to launch down the tracks. Head over to the shack on your left to get some more gas. Now it's time to head on out. Some Pregnators will come after you once you grab the gas. The second wave of them will cause some scaffolding to fall along with a large wire spool. Kill the Pregnators and then head up the fallen scaffolding. Jump your way up to the top. You'll fine more boards to smash through. After that just go straight and smash through the second set of boards. You'll want to get behind the cart and push it up the hill and to the safety point. Now jump in, use the lever and pull it forward to launch on down the track. This time you actually land none too far from the Mighty Foot. Take care of the aliens around it then refuel it.

Drive on forward and jump the bridge that's down the right-hand fork. Keep going straight and do a second turbo to launch off the metal roof in front of you. This will wrap up this segment.