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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 32 – The Clarifier

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 32 – The Clarifier

Head on downstairs and open the door. Break through the stuff blocking your way. Head down the corridor to the left. A pig cop will smash through the far door. Just kill him and through the door he came through. Another pig cop will rush you shortly as you go down the stairs through the door. After you kill him you can find a lot of things around the room like ammo and a Holo-Duke. Head through the one door in this area to continue then through the double doors. Smash the wooden crates on the far-side of the room. Enter in and you've got a wave of pig cops to kill. The only cover offered is wooden crates, so try to kill them before they can shoot you. When you go around the corner you have a few more to kill. After that, around the rolling metal ladder, smash the wooden crates and push it forward. After that take the ladder up and move on forward.

Drop through the opening in the roof for some beer and ammo. Head down to the floor then make for the platform suspended from the crane. This calls for some work. You need to find and throw the blue barrels onto the suspended platform to get things in reach of Duke. The first is found very close by. Once you get it on there turn around and head toward the grate door on the far side of the room opposite you. A man on a machine will come chased by some pig cops. Kill the pig cops either with your weapons are the gas tank that's near where they are coming from. After that, head over to the machine, hop up onto it and ride it backwards to where it came from. Raise it up all the way and grab the blue barrel that is by the railing on your left. Now throw the barrel to the floor and lower the platform down. Grab the barrel, take it over to the suspended platform and throw it on there. Now head back to the vehicle and drive it over to the left, toward the last blue barrel that's on the scaffolding near the office you hopped into. Grab it and throw it into the floor. Then lower the platform down again and after that throw the blue barrel onto the suspended platform. This will get more pig cops and an enforcer to appear, breaking through one of the doors. After them, a second wave will do the same thing on the opposite side. It's a great way to trap things with explosives you you can kill them quickly.  After the second wave, head to where they came from to grab another blue barrel. Take that over to the suspended platform and throw it on. When you do though, expect an Assault Commander (or two) to show up and try to kill you. After you have dealt with them, head over to where the crane is, drop down the to the dirt and take the ladder in the scaffolding up. Now you can climb up the crane arm. From there make it to the catwalk to your right and start heading down the tunnel.