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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 3 – Hatter's Domain

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 3 – Hatter's Domain

Take the steam vent up. Head over to the wreckage of the cable car to find a memory on the right-side of it. Now head through the hole in the wall and take the ramp up to the left. You will see a boiler on the back right end of the platform you are on. Walk over to it and turn the valve to open your way forward. You will have a few madcaps to deal with as well. Jump from the starting platform to the one on your right. While you are there, shrink down. You will see a moving platform on the right-side of where you are. Jump across the three platforms to find a snout hidden in the wall. Peppering it will cause a new steam vent to rise and open the way to a bottle. Just hop off to the right to get back to where it all started. Now head to the left, across the steam vent. You will have encounter a pair of Madcaps. After that, head to the left, through the opening the wall and smash the crates near the backwall of the room you are in with a violet. This unveils a keyhole. Grab the bottle at the end of the hole and return to the room with the violet.

Head into the room with the lightbugs and the hanging carcasses. Near the moving gear is a lever you can pull. This moves the gear blocking your path. Jump/float across the gap to deal with a few more madcaps. You can slip under the partly raised door for more teeth, but otherwise head through the hole in the wall. Kill the madcaps then use the boiler to raise a new steam vent. Take it up and land on the next platform. You need to navigate across this gap using the moving platform, so move carefully. Take care of the madcap on the stationary platform, move to the far end of it and float over to the next landing. Head through the door and drop to the floor; more Madcaps await you. Double back once you drop down to find a golden tooth. Now keep moving forward.

The next bit is tricky as you need to use the steam vents to land on a mobile platform. Just take your time and time it carefully. When you are on solid land again, you have a few tough Madcaps to fight. When beaten a section of wall will fall. Head through there to continue the battle. When you beat this set, another section of wall will open, again head through it. Head on and jump down to the next platform. Shrink Alice to find a hidden platform below where you are. Head through the gash in the wall to find a snout, a memory and, after you pepper the snout, a picnic basket. When are done collecting everything, exit to the right and take the moving gear platform to reach the nearby steam vent. Follow this path to the next stationary platform. From there, turn on the boiler, but before you take that steam vent, keep to the left. If you look over the left edge of the platform you will see an opening. Get over to it and head to the right. You will encounter a pair of Madcaps but you will also find a memory sitting there. Now head back and take the mushroom up. Now take that steam vent you summoned. Hop from there to the moving platform then over to the opening in the wall. Before you go through, turn around to find a snout. Pepper it to make a steam vent appear that will take you to a bottle. Collect it then just float back over to where you started that quick trip and head through the opening in the wall. Head down that path and make the long jump across. Turn around to find another snout underneath where you jumped from. Pepper it to make another steam vent appear. Take that vent to reach a small platform with a keyhole on it. Head through it to find a memory. Head on back after that to where you peppered the snout. Jump up onto the higher ledge and go through the archway on your right.

Hop down onto the platform below where you will encounter an Eyepot. You need to attack with the Vorpal Blade as it will simply close its vulnerable eye if you attack with the Pepper Grinder from afar. A well timed shot with the Pepper Griner up close will stun it, letting you take it down easily. When you do defeat it, two more will appear on the newly risen platforms with some Insidious Ruins as well. Head over to the nearest one below you. Handle the next two Eyepots the same way. Throughout this conflict, make your way upwards. On the platform above the second Eyepot you fought in this room, you need to turn on a boiler. Thankfully, you are immune to the final Eyepot's attacks while you are activating it. Hop onto the steam vent that rising to reach the platform with the final Eyepots. After all that, the door to the “Lost & Found” will open on your right. Head on through it.

Inside this room, you will find the option to summon the Chesire Cat for a clue. Do so and hop over to the platform he is on. Explore it to find a pressure switch that will lower a platform. Do not move off it until you hear it “thump”. Make your way over to it and take it upwards. When it stops you want to float to the other platform in the room, near the hole that you can now see. Now carefully jump over to the ledge on your right, then the metal platform in the center, then finally the platform on your right. Head down the pipe, making the first left.

When you reach the next room, look to the right and you will see a partly open gear door. Shrink and head through it to find a bottle that you need to navigate a series of moving invisible platforms for. Thankfully you can simply jump and float back from the top.

Now you want to head up the ramp on your right. You need to stand on another pressure plate to open the door. Wait for the sound it makes then start moving through it. On the other side you will find a lever to pull. Do so to open a door on the opposite end of the room. Float over to it and head on through. This leads a short slide.

At the bottom of the slide you are introduced to something new, Clockwork Bombs, that strongly resemble the White Rabbit. Grab the bomb and then scale the ramp up and jump over to the platform on your left. Throw the Clockwork Bomb at the wall and move back. Head through the new hole and up the slope. At the top, blast open the weaker portion of the wall with another bomb and hop over to the opposite platform. Smash the crates to find a Bounce Mushroom underneath them. Take that up and make your way into the next room. Before you take the platforms, head down the slope and turn to the left to find some crates. Smash them to find a new keyhole to go through and find a memory. Collect it then return to the main area. Head up the slope and hop across the gears to the silver door that you see. Open it to find the next area.