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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 4 – Reassembling The Mad Hatter

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 4 – Reassembling The Mad Hatter

You will see a brief cut scene then you are thrown into battle against a number of Insidious Ruins. The game now introduces Hysteria to you. Click the appropriate button as you are automatically at very low life. Slaughter all of the Ruins to open the path to the next part. You will find a red switch at the far end of a pit. Shoot it with the Pepper Grinder to lower the platform so you can cross. On the far side you will encounter the Mad Hatter, who has literally gone to pieces. After a cut scene with some bargaining, take a moment to blast the weak wall on the left-side of the room near the pots. Inside you will find a blocked path. On the right you will find a route you can use along with a bottle just on the other side of the wall you blasted. Place a Clockwork bomb on it to hold the platform and rush over to where it was blocked before. Detonate the bomb to cause it to rise again.

Once you arrive at the top of the platform, take a moment to head to the right and look below. You will find a snout just sniffing away over there. Pepper it to cause a platform to rise with a memory on it. You need to double jump over to it for just a short snip of a memory. Now grab the umbrella sitting in the center of the platform the elevator took you to. The game explains how to use the Umbrella at this point both defensively by holding the focus and its button as well as how to use it to deflect attacks. It will deflect attacks as long as it is still spinning from being deployed. To aid in your learning, you will now need to face Menacing Ruin. It will throw fireballs at you, likely in trios, as well as charge you with a punch attack. Using the Umbrella and the Vorpal Blade, this new enemy should pose little trouble.

Once you have beaten the Menacing Ruin, two gauges will rise t othe sides of the platform you are on. Turn and face the elevator you can up to find them. The one on the Right leads to a teacup that will take you into Cranking Up and Pressing Down while the Left leads to Smelling and Regurigitating. Either one requires you to perform a triple jump and Float to reach.

Cranking Up and Pressing Down
Head forward and to the right, up the stairs towards the archway above. At the platform, look to your right, at the stomping foot. At one end you will see a gauge you need to pepper around the foot. Just as the foot begins to fall, start shooting your Pepper. Stagger your shots around the foot to avoid overheating the Grinder. When you do will the gauge a platform will be lowered that will let you reach the far archway. As you pass through here, smash the first crates you come across, hidden behind them is another memory. After that, look up and to the left, along the ledge above you will find a gauge. Pepper it to cause the far door to open the nearby gear to start moving. Hop onto it and use it to cross the room and enter into the next.

In here you will get a short scene showing you where to go. The trick is getting there around the death traps. Hop over to the platform, on your right, with the crates. Plant a Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Plate that is on that platform and quickly make your way across the metal platforms that the fists were pounding on to the rotating gear beyond them. Cross over them to the palm shaped platform on the far side. Now you need to dodge through the next fist to reach the next part of the room. Here, if you go right, you will find a keyhole below you. Inside is a Bottle and a few crates. After that, Take the mushroom back up (you will need to float and jump to make it) then blow the thin wall to the right. Go through the hole you made then blow up the weak wall on the right to find a Pressure Plate. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and run up the stairs on the rotating gears and quickly make your way over to the other side of the room. Shrink and duck under the partly lowered fist. Beyond that is a working fist that you want to dodge to the left of. There is a section of weakened wall you can destroy to unveil a Pressure Plate. Plant a Clockwork Bomb on it and make to the left onto the palm platform. Quick cross the rotating gears again to the other side of the room through the archway. Head on forward to deal  with an Eyepot. Now just follow the path to the right dodging between the two pairs of palms that are smashing in front of you. To the right a Bounce Mushroom will appear. Take that up into the opening in the wall. Take the stairs you find nearby up as they will lead to a Pressure Plate. Stand on it to open the door below and summon an Insidious Ruin. Plant a Clockwork Bomb and get ready. Quickly float down toward the door and run through it. Detonate the bomb and you do not have to worry about the enemy. Smash the crates if you desire some health and teeth but then head straight on. In this part you have to deal with a number of Insidious Ruins as well as an Eyepot with fists smashing down onto the floor in various places. Focus on the Eyepot as it is the biggest threat. Once you beat them, a gauge will appear above the door. Shoot it but before you go through the main door, head through the gate that rose on the right to grab a memory. Head on into the chamber and go to the opposite end to have the door open.

Through this door, hop onto the first platform on your left and look to your left to find a snout. Pepper it to make a Bottle appear. Grab it then head for the moving cage on your right. Jump over to it and make for the one stationary cage along this path. On it you will be able to spot a Gauge that needs peppering. Shoot it to cause a pair of cages to come into reach for you from the first moving cage you were on. Now hop over to them and cross them. You will reach a steam vent that will let you reach a ledge. There you will find a weakened wall that you can blast through with the Clockwork Bomb. Do so to find an important lever that will cause a new steam vent to appear. Head over to it and take it up onto the cage. After you land, turn around and look for a gauge to shoot. It will rotate the cages so you can cross over to the next ledge. Do note that from that first cage you up onto you can reach a memory. Head through to reach the Engine Room.

Inside the Engine Room you will find the Mach Hare who has rigged the Hatter's Legs to run his room. Head along the path and you will have to dodge a trio of fist. Thankfully it is an easy pattern to dodge so just wait for the opening and run through. Past them, go up the stairs and you will find a Pressure Plate step on it to raise a gear. Drop a Clockwork Bomb and rush over to the newly accessible platform. Throw the lever on the left-side of the platform to open a new path through the Trio of the Fists that you crossed through earlier. Drop down onto the moving gear and head the stairs to the right. The fists have stopped so just go through the opening you created and continue on along that path. Jump the gaps and cross in front of the Mach Hare. You cannot do anything to him yet but a hint about his fate maybe nearby. Jump through the opening opposite you to confront a short series of ledges with fists pounding on them. You need to jump up and cross them just as the fist above it rises. Then jump repeatedly and float down the path to Alice's right. Start just as the first palm retracts. On the far side of that you not only need to deal with Malicious and Insidious Ruins but three Bolterfly nests as well. Take out the nests and then focus on the Malicious Ruin quickly to make it easier to deal with the rest. This is not made any easier when you have an Eyepot join the fray. If you destroyed the Malicious Ruin before this appeared this should be very easy. After the fight a gauge will open on the wall near the Dodo. Shoot it to open the cage around the lever to your left. Before you throw the switch, bomb the wall on the right to find a bottle through the keyhole. When you throw the lever an elevator will lower. Head over to it and ride it up.

You will need to rush through a corridor filled with fists pounding from above. Wait for a whole set then run over to where the teeth are. Stop there and wait for the fists to cycle through to make the second leg of the run. After you only have one more fist to dodge. On the far side of that you want to drop down near the violet. Walk over to it, shrink and go through the jammed fist. Next hop onto the fist nearby and take it up and jump up onto the ledge above. Keep going to reach the next lever that opens a new path that looks to lead to the Mach Hare itself.

Hop over to the newly raised fist on the right and take them to the opening the grating. Follow among the path and make for the platform where the Mach Hare was. Once there pull the lever to cause the rubbish shoot to open and get the Hatter's legs and Alice to the Hatter himself.

Once you are there, head over to the Pressure Plate on the right-side of the room. Grab the bottle there, step on the Pressure Plate and return to the roof. Now it is time to explore the second area, to the left, Smelling and Regurgitating.

Smells and Regurgitating
Head on up the stairs that are in front of you. Jump over to the raised platform when you need to. On there you will see a Gauge you will need to Pepper. Do so to cause the platform you are on, and the others above the molten metal, to start moving. Unfortunately this also starts moving a pair of pipes dumping molten metal to start moving as well. Move and jump carefully across the remaining pair of platforms to reach solid land again. Head up the stairs and to the right through the archway into the next room.

Here you want to jump onto the main platform across from you. There you will encounter a few Insidious Ruins as well as a pair of Eyepots. Quickly dispatch the Ruins so you can easily defeat the the Eyepots with the Grinder and Vorpal Blade. Once you defeat them head to the left and claim the bottle over there. To the right is a memory. Now head up the stairs and make for the platform below you with molten metal on both sides. Now head to the newly unveiled lower path and through the keyhole in it. Beyond there through the lever you find to lower the gate to your left and open up a new path from where you fought the monsters. When you return there, a pair of insidious ruins will attack you. Now jump over to the moving platform and ride upwards to reach the next ledge. Be careful not to ride it down or you will die. Head down the corridor and through the archway. The Chesire Cat will hint here you can cool the metal. Enter and you will need to fight some Insidious Ruins and an Eyepot. Kill them then jump to the moving platforms on your right. Ride the second one up. Hop off and head onto the next moving platform that raises when the metal below it pushes it up. Jump from the top of that and head to the left, toward the Eyepot you can see farther into the room. The second platform you are on can be showered in molten metal so move quickly to avoid it. Confront the Eyepot to cool the metal.

Now, before much else, head back to where you came from to find a Keyhole below the platform with the valve. Drop down and head inside it to find teeth and roses. After that drop down the very bottom to find an Eyepot and a few Insidious Ruins. However, under the main platform, on the left-side is a snout on a plague that will reveal a bottle in front of you. Ride the nearby steam vent upwards and jump onto the main platform. Now turn around and hop back into the steam. From here, jump and float your way over to the memory sitting on the high pot. Grab it then make for the open archway to your left.

Run down the pipe and you will be surrounded by heat again. You want to take the first left then shoot the gauge above. This will cause a series of steam vents to appear. Ride them upwards. After the second vent, take a moment to blow up the weakened wall to find a keyhole and some golden teeth. Now return and shoot the gauge you can see to your left on the piping. Two more vents will appear and you will be able to reach a rip in the wall you can grab some teeth in. Then head under the piping as a Shrunken Alice. Grab the teeth then look to the left to find another gauge. It makes pair of steam vents appear. Take them up then head for the central pipe. You will find a Pressure Plate there that will raise the door and let you move forward. Through there you will find a valve that needs to be opened. Now you will be able to cross over to the moving gear using the steam vents that will appear. Tranverse this path to find a number of Madcaps and an Eyepot waiting for you. Defeat them then first go to the right to collect the bottle. Second go left and jump for the Bounce Mushroom followed by going through the tear in the wall by doing a small series of jumps. Head on through to confront the Dormouse.

Start by Jumping and Floating to the nearest platform. Make your way to the other end of the room across the platforms. At the end of this series you will find a gauge to shoot. Do so quickly to raise a new pair of platforms. Move onto them carefully as they will get sprayed with molten metal. After the second take the Bounce Mushroom up. Head to the right and then turn on the valve to cool the metal just below where you were. Now head to the left and blast the wall with a Clockwork Bomb. Drop down to the floor and return to where the first gauge was. Two things of note, the first is a Gauge that will send out a Steam vent and the second is a Keyhole you can now access. Head through there for some teeth and a bottle. Now head back out and hop up on the nearby raised platform. Use that to easily dispatch the pair of Bolterfly nest that appeared then to ride the steam vent upwards and hop onto the nearby ledge. Dormouse will claim that the path ahead cannot be navigated anymore but shrink and you will see an invisible path ahead of you. Just be mindful of the molten metal that occasionally pours down from above. Now hop down to face the pair of Eyepots that likely ave occasionally peppered you with tea volleys. They will have some Insidious Ruins backing them up. Still, done right the Eyepots can be destroyed with the molten metal. Defeat them and a gauge will be uncovered. Now pepper it to get some metal floating on the molten stuff to allow you to progress on. Hop across it to reach the ledge  at the head of the flow. Head to the left and through the keyhole to reach the next valve. Turn it to cool the rest of the metal. The dormouse will run, letting to get to his platform via a steam vent. This drops the Hatter's Arms down the rubbish chute and lets you follow them.

The hatter is whole again and takes you to the one building you have yet to visit in his domain.