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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 6 – Tundraful

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 6 – Tundraful

From where you appear head to the right and look for a pile of rocks. Press into them to make them fade away, unveiling a keyhole. Shrink down to find a bottle inside it. Now head to the left to find a short slide with some teeth on it and a jump you will need to jump over. Keep going forward to find more teeth but you will also encounter a small number of Insidious Ruins and one Malicious Ruin. Defeat them to make a Spring Mushroom and a Yeti appear. Head to the left to find the Spring Mushroom and approach it. Look down and to the right to find a snout mounted on the wall. Pepper to make a Picnic Basket appear. Now take the mushroom up and head for the Yeti. You need to simply jump across this as any floating will slow you down and likely get you pushed into the icy water below.  Clear and head forward.

Head through the opening by the frozen owl and drop down. You land on a slide that will take you to the room with the Hobby Horse inside it. Grab it and an Ice Snark will appear on the floor behind you. These bipedal fish are vicious opponents who can freeze you. You break out of the ice with a dodge though but keep on the move. Use either the Vorpal Blade or the Hobby Horse to defeat them. Any time they hide in the ice, use the Hobby Horse and they will be above it again. Unfortunately after you beat the first more will appear and come after you. Defeat them and three icicles will fall into the ground. Hop up to the second one then shrink and look to your left for a hidden platform. Take that to the left, to the ledge above and smash the icy wall in front of you with the Hobby Horse. Collect what you can there then hop up to the ledge near the third icicle. Just after you get onto that ledge, look to the right and you will see another Icy Wall you can smash. Take the Hobby Horse to to collect some teeth and find a second wall you can smash. Do so and you will have access to a large room. Jump over to the other side and you will be able to pepper the snout as well as collect a memory. Grab it then return to the passage you started in. Ahead on the right you will see a Spring Mushroom, take it upwards to continue on.

Smash the Icy Wall in front of you with the Horse Head in it. Below you stalks a pair of Ice Snarks in a room with a bottle and a memory in the upper reaches. Drop to the floor below to encounter a number of enemies, including some Insidious Ruins. Defeat them and search the far side of the room shrunk. You will find a hidden keyhole. Head through it to collect a memory then drop down to the floor again and go through the door that opened after your last encounter. Head to the left as you go through the door to find an Icy Wall you can smash. Do so and the floor of the room you are in can be smashed as well. Drop into it to collect a bottle. A second second of floor in the main room can be smash to progress forward. Drop through it and head forward. You arrive in an empty room. Shrink and look up to find some invisible platforms. Take those up to spot a Snout on the opposite wall. Pepper it to make an Icy Wall appear below it. Head over there and smash through it to find Teeth and a Picnic Basket. Now look around in a main room and move toward the one patch of green in it. A Spring Mushroom will appear. Take it upwards to reach the next area.

Here you will find a slide ahead of you. Take it downwards. There is no proper way down so just slide whichever direction you want. The only thing of note is to avoid the coal piles as they will hurt you. At the bottom head through the opening and drop to the floor to face a pair of Ice Snarks again with a Malicious Ruin. Remember that the Hobby Horse is very effective against both types of enemy. After defeating one or the other an Insidious Ruin will appear to back up the survivors. Defeat it as well to open the gate. Head through the new opening and drop down to the next floor. Turn around to find an Icy Wall you can smash. Do so and head on through it to find some goodies. Now head for the opposite end of the room and toward the one green patch to spawn another Spring Mushroom. Take it upwards and make for the ledge above. Drop down the opposite side of it and make to the right to find a Snout on a far wall. Pepper it to make an iceberg rise out of the water. Jump over to it and make for the next ledge with the green patch. Take the mushroom up to find a keyhole with a memory inside it. Now head back and hop onto the ice bridge you see ahead of you. The latter half is a slide so be ready to jump at the end of it. Land and you will see another Spring Mushroom appear. Take it up and look for the violet on your right. Use it heal if needed then hop over to the hidden platforms that you see near it while shrunk. Take them across and head forward to find another slide with a jump at the end. When you land, shrink and you will see an invisible platform sitting above the icy waters. Hop on it and will likely start moving shortly. Take it through to the first chamber to collect a bottle and keep riding it into the second to find a Snout that needs peppering. This snout reveals a picnic basket nearby. When you have collected everything you want, head into the second chamber and hop onto the spring mushroom that is sitting on the iceberg being circled by a skeletal fish. From there, you can easily make it to the gigantic bottle sitting ahead of you by jumping on the floating icebergs. Make it over there to trigger a cutscene with the Mock-Turtle and some Shipwreck Sharks.