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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 12 – The Mysterious East Part 2

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 12 – The Mysterious East Part 2

Head forward and exit the cave you started in. Just outside the cave, look to the left to find a snout. Pepper it to raise a steam vent that lets you cross a short but high gap. You will also find a keyhole waiting for you that contains a memory. Jump across the gap using the steam vent and start to cross the scroll bridge. The thing to keep in mind here is to not step on any of the glowing symbols. They damage you and push you back on the moving bridge. When you reach the opposite side you encounter a new enemy, the Samurai Archer Wasp. Just shoot them with the Pepper Grinder while dodging their arrows. These things are more annoying than deadly.

Keep moving forward using the steam vents to navigate the large gaps. When you reach the platform with the statue, you will want to over the right-hand side to find a bounce mushroom which you can reach just by running toward it. This lets you reach the Fish Statue. Pull the chain and the platforms reorganize themselves which opens up a new route for you. Head down the short set of stairs and  onto the next platform. Look across the way and you will see a Samurai Wasp waiting for you. Gun it down to make your life a lot easier. Jump over to the steam vent to cross the larger gap. The next part is crossing another scroll bridge. Once again, be careful of the glowing symbols as they will just kill you now.

Head through the door that rolls open. Descend down the stairs and hop to the platform below the ledge you end on. Use Shrink Sense to find the invisible pathway you need to follow along. Timing is everything with the four moving platforms as they will align to make a single path for you. Head to the left and into the small cavern. Inside you will encounter Samurai Wasp as well as a Fish Statue. Opposite the Statue you will find a bottle for Alice. Pull the chain to make a steam vent appear on the previous room. Head back across the moving platforms and arrive at the steam vent. Take it upwards to arrive in what looks like a graveyard. Here you will encounter another new enemy, Samurai Ink Wasps.  These will fly around, attach themselves to Alice and sting her. Dodge or Shrink to get out of their grasp then attack them. Once you deal with the wasp run over to the tablet it came from. These tablets have flashing black ink on them. Smash it with the Hobby Horse to stop the Ink Wasps from spawning on you. Once you destroy them all, the door will open and a bounce mushroom will appear. Take it up and head through the door.

Inside you will encounter a Samurai Wasp as well as Ink Wasps. Kill them then head to the left of the Ink Wasp Tablet. You will find a Radula Room over there. Head in and you will need to to defeat a number of Bolterfly nests and Madcaps. Work quickly and victory shall be yours. Once again the reward is some Rose Paint.

Head straight across of where the Radula Room was to find a bounce mushroom that will take you up to a high ledge. You will find a pressure plat eon left side of it. Place a Clockwork Bomb on it and make for the door it opened. Once inside, explode the bomb to rotate the room again and let you move forward. Head on toward the green patch on the rock to summon a bounce mushroom that launches you to the top of a slide. As always for slides there is no right path. Enjoy it just be mindful of the gaps and cinders.

At the bottom of the slide you will want to look to the right. Just part the rock outcropping you see is a flying snout. Pepper it to make a picnic basket appear. Go to the far end of the platform you are on and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it so you can easily jump across the gap in front of you. Head through the tunnel and jump across the wide gap. There is a Samurai Wasp on the other side but it will at least wait for you to land before it starts attacking you. Cross the second smaller gap in this area and another Samurai Wasp will be attacking you. After that, make the first right to reach that picnic basket you got a while back. Finish through this part and back onto rock platforms.

When you reach the wide circular platform you will need to find a few Samurai, Samurai Archer and  Ink Wasps as well as a Dayimo Wasp. Head to the opposite side of the platform to find some crystallized ruin on top of a pressure plate. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and climb up the platform it raises. Head a bit to the left to find another Pressure Plate, use this one to open the drawers of the dresser in front of you.  Follow this path to reach the Fish Statue above. Pull the chain to reorganize things.

Head through the passage that is opened now. When you reach the first rock platform, just past the steam vent and the deadly stream of tea, turn to the left and head through the keyhole you see there to find a memory. Next look over the ledge near the statue using Shrink Sense to find your next path. At the end of it you will want to drop a Clockwork Bomb on the pressure plate to open the nearby box and reveal a bounce mushroom. Take it up to find a Fish Statue. Pull the chain to reveal the next part of your path.

Jump onto the moving platform below you and head through the passage. Turn right to find a memory tucked away and head to the left to progress through a burning door. This door holds a shocking revelation for Alice about the origin of the fire.

Head on forward down the path and you will find Samurai Wasp beating up on the Paper Ant Villagers. Defeat them and you will be granted the chance to play the bells to open the door. Again, it is simply hitting the button when the scroll bar reaches it. There are two sets of notes you need to play to open the door. Do so but before you head through the newly opened door, look to the right of it to spot a Honeycombed Wall. Smash through it to find a memory.

At the top of the stairs you will find yourself in a fight against a Daimyo Wasp and Ink Wasp. Focus more on the Ink Wasp as the Daimyo Wasp's attacks are easy to dodge. Search the area for the tablets and destroy them. Once you defeat them head through the newly opened door and turn immediately after you step out of it. There is bottle waiting for you right there. Head on up the slope to reach another blue mushroom. Again you are at the top of a slide. Ride it on down.

At the bottom of the slide, head to the far side to find a Bounce mushroom. Take it up to get quick cut scene showing your next path. You will first encounter some slithering ruins as you move forward.. Head for the back right to find some insidious ruins. Defeat them to crystallize the nearby ruin on the ground. Smash it to find a pressure plate. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and quickly climb the now raised platforms to the Fish Statue. Pull the chain to raise two more platforms. Take these to reach the next area through the open gateway.

Head to the right and look closely along the water line. You will find a keyhole you can slip into to find a bottle. Head on forward to find a small lake of ruin with a number of Slithering and Drifting Ruins above you. Head over to the violet and use Shrink Sense to find the nearby invisible platform. Keep moving forward to find a pressure plate covered in ruin. A Drifting Ruin will attack you, defeat it to crystallize the ruin and make it possible for you to use it. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and quickly scale the platforms over to the Fish Statue and pull the chain. This raises two more platforms which you use to reach the nearby pagoda. Head to the left from there, smashing through the honeycombed wall and drop another Clockwork Bomb on the pressure plate you find behind it. Two more pillars will rise up, allowing you move on further from the pagoda.

Head across the stone bridge, defeat the Samurai Wasps, and bend to the left. You will find a keyhole there with a bottle inside it. Now head through the large gate and into the red stone cave. Inside you will find the the Elder who tells you the path is blocked by Ruin. Drop down to fight the Malicious and Insidious Ruins. Defeat them all to crystallize the ruin so you can smash it. The ants will summon a mushroom for you to take upwards. Take it up and look above to the right to find a flying snout. Pepper it to reveal a picnic basket. Now take the second bounce mushroom upwards. Here you will need to fight a number of Drifting Ruins. Defeat them then cross the platforms floating on the ruin below you.  They infinitely spawn so try to do so only when you must. Once on the other side, pull the chain to start up the steam vents. Return to the far side of the area and take the steam vents upwards. As you take the third steam vent, look to the right of to it to find a keyhole. Inside it to you will find a memory. Now take the steam vent all the way up and head forward. Smash the crystallized ruin to free an ant and summon a mushroom. Take the mushroom up and you will find an Insidious Ruin waiting for you. Kill it to crystallize the nearby ruin so you can smash it to reveal a mushroom and take it up. Take the path up and you will find a launch mushroom which you can take to the next part of the stage.