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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 11 – Mysterious East

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 11 – Mysterious East

Once shrunk, it is time again to start jumping around. Head to the left and onto the small rotating platform. Get to the one in the center of the pair and then head off to the right, aiming for the small platform that is a short staircase. Keep heading in this direction, jumping as needed. When you reach the platform with a Fish that has a ring in its mouth, look to the right. You will see a moving platform, hop onto it and take it over to the next. There you will find a bottle waiting for you. Collect it and return to the find and pull the chain in its mouth. Some pillars will rise from the water, use these to cross the gap.

Once across you want to drop down on the left side. From there, cross to the next platform. Head to the left edge of that one and look at the outcropping just to the left of the one you came from. On its left side you will see a snout. Pepper it to make a path nearby appear. Take it to find teeth and a memory.  Once again, head to the left to continue along your path.

Jump the series of platforms and outcroppings. When you make it back to land, head to the right. Along there you will find, if you use Shrink Sense, a marker for a keyhole to the right. Head along that edge and platforms will appear out of the water. Take them to find a memory through the keyhole.

Now, return to the main path and take the stairs up. Head through the archway and to the left. Use Shrink Sense to see the invisible path you need to take. Take the steam vent up and once again you need to use Shrink Sense to walk an invisible path. Head through the next archway. As you first pass through this destroyed village, look to the right. You will see a black honeycombed wall that you can smash. Behind it you will find a memory. A while after you pass through the second archway in this area you will encounter a new enemy, the Samurai Wasp. A fast, persistent assault seems to work the well on these fellows or you can smash them with the Hobby Horse and stun them. Just dodge their attacks, defeat them and move on through the open gate at the far end of the village.

Drop down carefully onto the white platform below and blast open the black honeycombed wall in front of you to find another fish statue with a chain. Pull the chain and two platforms appear with a steam vent, clearing your way forward. Take them up and head through the archway.

You have a trio of Samurai Wasps waiting for you in this part. Head through the village and drop off the ledge. Look to the right before the cliff to find a keyhole, likely hidden. Through there you will find a memory. After that, you need to use Shrink Sense to see the platforms you need to climb upwards. Be mindful of the burst of flame that can come from the nearby wall. When you get to platform three, turn around and blast the black wall to find another Fish Statue. Pull the chain and two steam vents as well as platforms will appear. First take the steam vent to the left to grab a good number of teeth. Second go to the right to progress forward. When you finish with the steam vents, the Chesire Cat will have a few words for you. Now head on through the gate into the next village in this area.

Here you will have a pair of Samurai Wasps followed by a Daiymo Wasp. This is the bigger, meaner, cousin of the Samurai Wasps. The trick with this fellow is to blast him with the teapot as he charges his ranged attack then move in with your favorite melee weapon. Head to the eastern edge of the village, with the ledge and the river. Look to the left, among the bamboo to find a Snout. Pepper it to gain access to a picnic basket. Now head back into the village and go up through the open gate and to the top of the stairs, entering the building.

Inside the building, head to the left. You will find some honeycomb you can break, do so to reveal a pressure plate. Step on it and drop a clockwork bomb on it. Head over to the opposite side and detonate the bomb to ascend to a memory. After that, head on through the building. Just as you exit, turn right. You will find an invisible snout at the end of this path. Peppering it reveals a collectible bottle. Grab it and return to the main path to climb the stairs and cross the gap.

On the far side, you will find the elder, who challenges you to a puzzle. Once again you need to collect all the pieces then assemble it within a set number of moves. The first piece is just to the left of the puzzle itself. Next go up the ramp and through the keyhole. On the other side is another puzzle piece. Next take the Bounce mushroom upwards that is at the base of the ramp. Smash through the wall and head on through. You have a single Samurai Wasp waiting for you on the other side. Deal with it then head over to the waterfall. Step on the pressure plate at the base of it to cause a platform to rise. Place a Clockwork Bomb on it then dash over to the platform and jump up to reach the puzzle piece on the platform above. Head back to the main area and go forward. To the left of the gate ahead is a black wall you can smash. Head through the opening and to the back of the cave to find the last piece of the puzzle. Now it is time to put it all together.

1) Move the Center Right
2) Top Right
3) Center Top
4) Middle
5) Center Right
6) Top Right
7) Top Center
8) Middle
9) Bottom Center
10) Bottom Right
After this, the path is opened, head on through the gate ahead. After you pass through the gate and go down a set of stairs, head to the left. You will see a keyhole in the bamboo. Head through there to collect a memory. After that, head over to the ledge and jump the path consisting of moving platforms and steam vents. At the far side, you will encounter the elder again who lets you through and gives you leave to enter the sacred caves. Head on in.

At the bottom of the slide enterance, there is a picture in front of you. Interact with it to set into a 2D platformer section.

First, head to the left to find a hidden peach. Next head to the right. Your path will seem to be block by a house but the mushroom just in front of it will launch you up, allowing you to clear it. Continue to the right. When you reach a gap with two tree branches supporting you, only touch on the right one as it will break and fall under Alice's weight, try to clear with your jump and floating abilities. Keep moving to the right, again using the mushroom to clear an impossible height. After the next cliff, you will need to start dodging fireballs. Keep on on your toes and move carefully but swiftly. Next use the steam vent to clear the gap. Just after this, you must hover over a field of spikes. ON the far side of this you need to land on the leafed areas of the tree branch or die. Keep moving to the right. The next obstacle is somewhat challenging. You need to move from platform to platform to avoid getting killed with the last platform raising you up. Be wary of this corridor as there is a statue that will attempt to smash you. Now, as you climb up the next slope, take some time to jump to the left. You will find a ledge with a bounce mushroom on it. Take that up and follow this way to the left to find a peach. Jump the next gap and be mindful, once again of the sinking platforms. On the far side, you need to shrink to get under the spikes. As you head to the right, jump over the next bounce mushroom and continue to the right. Climb the nearby tree to find a peach. Now return to the mushroom and navigate the series of them upwards. Continue upwards with the branches. When you reach the spinning branch, take it to the first brown leafed landing. Now head over to the left, crossing the gap, to find another peach. Go to the right to find a fish statue and pull the chain. Cross the bridge and take the steam vent upwards. Head to the right and you will find the exit to the first area.