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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 8 – Hunting the Hacker

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 8 – Hunting the Hacker

Welcome to Hengsha. First thing is first, you want to make it to the hotel. There is a lot to explore in this city and it is good to have some place to start. Head to the right and go through the first door that you see. Take it down to the fourth floor.

Fourth Floor
There is something important to grab on this floor that will make getting around Hengsha a lot easier. Go through the first door you find on this floor to pick up the Rotten Business Side Quest. Go through the back door of this room to reach the balcony. Hop over two balconies. Open this door and slip just inside. You will find a SMART Card just sitting in plain sight for the taking. There is a guard in here if you want to net a small bit of quick experience. After that, head out the door and down a floor.

Third Floor
Go onto the third floor itself. Head through the first door. At the foot of the bed you will find a Hive Bar Membership Card. This lets you get into the Bar when you get down to street level and ensures you can do another side quest that will open up soon. Nothing else really to do here so head down to the first floor.

First Floor
It is always important to know where to get your guns and upgrades. This is one of those places. Look in the first door to the right. You will find Lin Fu Ren. If you want to grab a Praxis Kit quickly, then keep going down the corridor you find behind Lin Fu Ren. You will find a ladder leading down into the sewers. Go forward and to the left. Look for where the pipes go up into the ceiling. The wall is black making it easier to pick out. If you can punch through walls this is the spot otherwise just use some explosives to blast it open. You will find some pain killers and a Praxis Kit for your trouble. Head back up the ladder and out the front door of the hotel.

Welcome to Hengsha itself. Before you go far, look down on the ground. Between some trash bags and a box you will find a Pocket Secretary with some flavor. It has no codes but helps establish a sense of the town. Poke around a little as there are a lot of places to see. Once you finish it is time to get to the Penthouse Apartment and see what is going on.

Hunting the Hacker
Follow the marker into the next district, Youzhao. Take the stairs down. You can try to go in through the front door but the building is under lock down so no one is getting inside through that door without lots of bullets (hint hint). There is plenty of cover and a silenced weapon can be devastating to get the bodies dropping. After that, the use of a frag grenade will help clear out the lobby nicely. Explore the lobby a little to find a Hugh Darrows eBook. Take the elevator up.

For something quieter, take the ladder you will find around the corner near the gate you came through. Climb both ladders up, the second one is to your left. Now hop across the AC unit to the third and final ladder. Now turn to your right immediately and look out for guards to take down. There is one in this particular section that patrols from one end to another. Just wait for him to get in range then take him down. Now head to the far end of the room and start creeping over to the other side. Once you do there is another guard to worry about but this one is also easy to deal with. Move up to the container and take over. He will come close soon enough and you can take him down. Now head through the door that is just on the other side of the containers. Head through the door to the elevator. Use it to reach the floor of the penthouse.

Penthouse Floor
Head over to the left and wait for the guards to finish their conversation. One will come toward you while the other has a long patrol that takes him into the penthouse your objective is in. Duck into one of the alcoves you passed and wait for the guard to take him down and hide the body. Head forward again and take out the guard that is leaning against the wall. Now, if you have the Move/Throw Heavy Objects augment, head back to the vending machines and move the left one to find a vent which will lead into the bedroom of the target apartment. For those without go forward and approach the door on the right. Head in and close the door behind you. In this room you will find three guards. One will patrol while one of the other two look out the window and the final one patrols a small stretch of window. Take up a spot on the far side of the kitchen unit and wait for the guard to get in there. Take him down and hide him in there in the small indent that is opposite the counter. You will notice a toy doll. You will want to use it shortly once you have dealt with the two remaining guards. Quick stun/tranq/take out the guard on the left the repeat for the one on the right. Now interact with the doll to reveal a hidden computer behind a fake wall. Head over to it and you need to hack into it. It is only security level 1 so it should be easy.

Once you finish this, you will receive an update on your objectives and a new mission. Time to make for the Hive and see what Jensen can do to get some information out of the place. Follow the markers to the Hive. It is very easy to find and with the member card you should have no problem getting in.

The Hive
Time for a little more conversational gameplay. Jensen needs to talk to and convince Tong to help him out. Finding Tong takes a little effort. Head to the back of the club on the left and through the opening. Take the stairs up then make your way to the left. You will find Tong behind the bar in the VIP lounge. Save before you get too close in case things do not pan out as expected. Keep the conversation focused on the Hacker and getting Tong to share his location.

Tong Conversation
1) Pinpoint
2) Advice
3) Pinpoint

Head on down into the basement and follow the marker. The bartender is revealed to be Tong. He will give you the location of your Hacker.