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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 9 – Alice Garden Pods

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 9 – Alice Garden Pods

As you leave the bar, specifically by the front door, the bouncer will tell you that Bobby, the downstairs bartender has some work for you. Talk to him and accept the job to open up the “Bar Tab” side quest. Now follow the marker to reach the Alice Gardens.

Note: You are going to want Explosives (Frag Grenades/Mines) for this mission to complete the stealth route or the augment to punch through walls.

Floor 1:
Unless you want to start fighting now just head on forward. You can potenitally hack into the Manager's Office and read up on things. If you under the desk behind the box down there you will find a pocket secretary with the password for the manager's computer “rbbthole”. You can see some of the happenings inside the building. Hack into the safe to find a nice stash of credits. Head forward and through the double doors to find the stairs up to the second floor.

Floor 2:
When you reach the top of the stairs Malik will be there. This opens up a new side quest “Shanghai Justice”.
Arms Deal on this floor in the storage closet in the Northeast. He sells the Explosive Rounds upgrade for the Revolver. Combatants will surely enjoy that upgrade! Otherwise he does have a Rate of Fire upgrade for you.

Floor 3:
Lots of little items to be found around here. Most notable would in the northeast corner of it. The pod 143 has a Hugh Darrows eBook inside it.

Floor 4:
In the Northeast part of the fourth floor there is a wall you can break. Inside it is a vent that will take you down to the weapons dealer but mainly there is a rate of fire upgrade for you. Once you are ready head for the south swing and approach Windmill. A scene runs and as long as you have the TYM card from the first hotel you were in, things will move forward. Otherwise you need to backtrack and grab it.

Rush to the next wing of this apartment complex and deal with the guards there. Loop back to the Northwest part of the apartment complex and make use of the catwalk. You will be able to see guards on the levels below you. Gun them down from up here and casually make your way out. There may be some survivors down on the bottom floor but nothing too bad.

Move forward to the right and enter into that area. Wait for the guards to approach and take him down. Move up on his friend you can see patrolling the next part of this section and take him down as well. You can very easily just head to the northern wall in this section. If you destroyed it earlier to gain access to the Rate Of Fire upgrade, then this is very easy for you. You can drop down here and use it to easily slip out to the lower floors.

Floor 2
Slip forward out of the storage closet. Wait for the Heavy Weapons guy to move away and slip down the stairs.

Floor 1
Almost home free now. Head to the left. Time to sneak through the locker room and showers. As you enter into the locker room, grab the nearby trash can. Throw this about the middle of the right side wall to lure the guard over there. When he turns his back quickly take him down. Once you do, wait for the security camera to look away and slip down the corridor underneath it. Take cover behind the sinks and wait for the guards to separate by finding and throwing a trash can. When one is alone take him down. Then go for his friend with the same trick. Head down the opposite side as the turret for a safe route to the security hub controlling it. Hack it if you want the experience then head through the marked door.

Slip through the door and weave your way through the entrance to the wash room. The bad news about the baths is that the floor is electrified and there are guards around. The good news is there another side you slip along, slowly, to make it through. Keep in mind there are three mines along this path. There is one right by the start of it on the right, the second is on the left and the third is on the right. Approach them slowly to disable and collect them. Head forward into the locker room then go through the door to the laundry room.

In the laundry room there are two guards. Just wait at the end of the washing machines for them to approach. When they reach you, take them down. They make it easy too as one is on each side. Head through the laundry room into the corridor behind it. Aqs you head down it you will find more guards to deal with. One is a Heavy toting around a minigun. The second is just your regular guard. Take some time to see their pattern and to slip into a good position. When you have the chance hit the Heavy with a Tranq dart anywhere in the body and wait for it to take effect. His friend will come up and you need to quickly take him down. Alternatively with the multiple take down augmentation this is easy to do as they walk down the corridor and you manage to sneak up behind them. From there just head through the door to finish out the area.