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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Side Quest Walkthrough Part 3 – Hengsha Side Quests

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Side Quest Walkthrough Part 3 – Hengsha Side Quests

Rotten Business
Head down a level from the Helipad. The door is next to the pair of girls talking on the roof. You will find a working girl standing outside a door. Head inside to stumble in on an argument. Ming and Edgar are fighting about her getting augmentations and she is refusing. She will explain things to you and offer payment for you to investigate a girl going missing. She will tell you that the Bouncer for the hotel is in on this and he likes to go up on the roof to smoke. You  can go up there easily enough and talk with him. Offer him a bribe and he will tell you where to find the girl. He tells you that she is in  Shuigou plaza.

Follow the marker into Shuigou Plaza. You will find three guards waiting there for you to deal with. Careful use of a concussive or frag grenade will ensure a quick fight. To get the code to open the “pin” be sure to check the guards. It is “5377”, nice and easy. Ning will thank you and you can return to Mei to complete the first part of the quest.

When you return she will have a second job for you. She offers for you deal with Diamond Chan who has been managing the business. She wants you either to kill or or plants some drugs in his apartment. You must choose the option “another way” to get that second choice. From there, follow the marker into the Youzhao District.

Bar Tab
To start this quest you need to talk to Bobby after you have spoken with Tong. He will tell you there is a collection job that needs to happen. The thing is the person went to ground so you need to find them. To do this you need to hack a short series of antennae in order to get her position. From there, follow the marker into the Youzhao District.

Shanghai Justice
As you receive this quest inside the Alice Garden Pods, swing up to the Pod 009 to get the information. It is on the third floor in the south wing of the complex. It is the bottom pod. You will find a Pocket Secretary with the Police Report at the foot of the bed. Be sure to look at the eBook next to it to get all the information you can out of the pod. Next you need to head over to the LIMB Clinic and talk with your contact, Anonymous X.

LIMB Clinic
Inside you will find one person in particular who has an odd name. The Doctor on the right-hand side of the window. Talk to him and you will be talking with Anonymous X. Use professional to get the best, quickest results. He gives you directions so head outside the clinic to the left. He will be waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He will give you the report and ask for his payment of 1,000. It is up to you on whether or not you want to make it. Jensen will bring Malik up to speed and she will insist on you going to the suspect's apartment and getting something on him. She gives you the coordinates. From there, follow the marker into the Youzhao District.

Bar Tab and Shanghai Justice:
Two of these quest work off the same apartment building! As you head into the Youzhao district from the hotel head south and look for a ladder. The first relay for Bar Tab is just to the left of the top of the ladder. Hack that head go over to the right and up the stairs. Go to the right at the top and weave through the buildings a short ways. You will easily find your way to the apartment you need to investigate for Malik. Now head inside via the hacking the security door rating 3 (With the stupid password of 1234). The objectives will update and you will want to head through the far door. Head through the bedroom and open the next door. Step out and listen to the message on the phone. Malik will chime in as she was apparently listening in. Now head over to the computer and hack into it (Rating 2). Before you leave the room look at the top of the dresser by the closet. Investigate the clock that is sitting on top of it. Head back into the living room and go over by the door. You will find a baseball bat by the door, a very clean one. Do a final sweep, hitting up the baseball bat, computer, answering machine and antique clock again. After that, it is time to clear out.

Rotten Business:
This is very easy to chain off of Shanghai Justice where you needed to investigate Lee's apartment. You simply need to climb the same ladder and jump across from one building to the next. Head to the one door on the roof that is to the left. It is unlocked and you can hear him complaining about Ning escaping.
*Save at this point to avoid missing the achievement/trophy "The Fall" if you are after the "Pacifist"*

You can easily slip in after the conversation and some waiting if you want to go for the knockout, simply wait for his back to turn then rush him for a takedown. Now you can either throw him over the balcony (then reload your save after you get the achievement/trophy) or plant the drugs on the glass coffee table. After that, leave the building. Return to Mei and she will pay you for your troubles.

Bar Tab Antennae:
Once you hack the first one, head north of it. You will see a second antennae nearby. Hack into it, it is again level 2 and disable its security. For the third one you want to talk the nearby ladder (to your left) up. Hop up onto the next roof and head north a moment. Turn right when you can and make your way along the roof. Head through the gap in the fence and go to the far end. The last antennae is just around the corner. Again, level 2 security.

Bar Tab: Jaya
She is in the same apartment building that you broke into for Hunting the Hacker. Head back inside using mostly the same route (this is very easy to get to after completing the Antennae hacks. GO to the elevator and use it. You will easily find her out of the elevator to the right. Just follow the marker. Now talk with her. Use about to learn more about the Triads. After that (or immediately) offer to help her out. You can shoot her, take the money and the augmentation but this costs you a praxis kit (and an achievement/trophy). Another choice is simply to force her to pay. Choose whichever. Time to head for the Hive if you do not kill or extort money for Jaya.

The Hive
If you have been following this guide, then Bar Tab and Shanghai Justice have converged at the Hive. These two mission objectives are thankfully on different levels making it easy to complete them without any concern of overlap. First, Bar Tab. Head up the Bobby and talk to hm about the job. Make the offer to have Jaya left alone for good. His price is 5,000. Pay it and you walk away with a praxis kit and an achievement/trophy.

Shanghai Justice
Head up the stairs to the second level of the Hive. Walk forward and talk to the man sitting down on the long sofa alone. This is Lee. Time to extract a confession from him. You need to give these responses:
Report – Inconclusive
Eveyln – Drunk
Murder Weapon – Antique Clock
Lee's Motivation – Evelyn's Pregnacy
Cover up – Lee's Family investments in LIMB

Walk away from Lee now to the other side of the room. Malik will contact you. After all this, there is one last thing to do to wrap up Shanghai Justice. Malik gives you the coordinates for a wall panel on the opposite side as Lee. Hack the panel quickly and Malik will ask you to meet her outside. Head on out of the Hive, talk with Malik. After all that, watch what happens on the Hive monitors and swear you will never get Malik angry at you.