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What I Think Is The Best Final Fantasy Ever

I wanted to do a review of what I think may be the best Final Fantasy ever, but I also think that this might be my favorite game of all time! However RPG fans, before I continue please keep in mind that I have not played what others might think are the best RPG games of all time and those two are Chrono Trigger and Xenogears. So with that said onto the review.

I had a chance to play a lot of RPG games as a kid on various systems such as Nintendo, Sega, and Super Nintendo and those include Final Fantasy, the Zelda games, and ever Dragon Warrior. One game got me hooked and has always had a place in my heart.

Final Fantasy was released in 1997 and right of the bat the cover art is amazing. you have an interesting character, with an huge sword, standing with a huge building in front of him, and at the bottom it says 3 discs! Are you kidding me? If that does not get you pumped check out the back cover read just a tad and pop in and let the magic take over.

The game starts off with a beautiful CGI video and you get goosebumps, it looks amazing, the music is great, and it sets up for what maybe the best storyline in a video game of all time! From there you take over a spiky haired character and you set off on an adventure of a lifetime. I wont dive into the story in case for some reason you lived under a rock and have never played this game I don't want to be a spoiler because I hate that more then anything else!

The story is amazing it hooks you and it never stops there are some points in the game towards the middle and end that it opens up to let you do what you want to do, but I will emphasize again the story! The character designs are great and at the time they looked great, yet even with the polygon based 3D characters looked a bit ridiculous. The Character development is deep and there are many characters to use and secret ones to find which is awesome, and with the character development the story just gets better.

The game gets deeper with side quests which can keep you playing for hours. There are so many extras with Chocobo racing, carnival events, and huge battles with bosses that will keep the game going. Try and find all the chests, characters, and extras and you will play for 40 to maybe 80 or more hours. Then throw in customization with magic and weapons that will hep contribute to replay value. Then when you get done start all over and find things you never did before.

All in all this game is amazing, I have played through it countless times and each time it is better. If you love RPG games and for some reason you didn't like it or never played it then give it a chance. You have a PSP version that you take with you and with emulators you can play on the go or at home. So grab a copy and start the adventure that turned Playstation and Square Enix into what it is today.