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Jak And Daxter The Precusor Legacy Guideline Part 2

After Jak and Daxter cross the Fire Canyon, they find themselves in the Rock Village, however the Blue Sage, whom they had to find here, has gone missing and the village is under constant bombardment from a Lurker Monster named Klaww. The first mission is very straight forward, the boys need to activate the transportation gate so that Samos and Kiera can come to the Rock Village as well. Once the pair are there they give the boys two missions to complete, Kiera needs them to find 45 Power Cells so that they can activate the Gravity Machine that the Blue Sage built before he vanished, and Samos wants them to cure some plants from a Dark Eco infection in Precursor Basin.

Rock Village

Most of the villagers from the Rock Village are only after precursor orbs. Jak and Daxter first meet the Geologist who wishes to trade 90 precursor orbs for her research, she also requests the boys to herd up the moles at Precursor Basin. The next character the boys meet is the Gambler who lost his pants in a bet that the village Hero would defeat the Lurker monster. The Hero, who the boys also meet, lost to Klaww, and then dismantled the bridge so that Klaww couldn't follow him. Both characters need 90 precursor orbs each from the boys.

Precursor Basin

The easiest place to start collecting power-cells and precursor orbs is the Precursor Basin, which Jak and Daxter find around the corner behind the Geologist. Most missions in the Precursor Basin involve the Zoomer, for starters chase down the four moles into their hole. The second thing to do is to hunt down the flying lurkers which Kiera requests the boys to do, there are four of them and by using the jump of the Zoomer, the boys can close-them down.

Next drive the Zoomer through the Green eco vent and quickly hover the Zoomer of the Dark eco infected plants, once completed the boys will get a power-cell from Samos. As always the boys can collect 7 scout flies to earn another power-cell. The last missions of the Precursor Basin are a few races. In the first race, the boys need to beat a time-limit ,to win a power-cell from the Gambler, and the other two are races around Precursor Basin driving through Purple Rings and then through Blue Rings. The Blue Rings race is a bit tricky to find, but the boys can find the first blue ring on the slope of the free power-cell.

The Lost Precursor City

This is a tricky place, in that there are many power-cells that the boys can get, but the main mission of Jak and Daxter here is to raise the elevator type room from beneath the sea. Jak needs to go down to the very bottom of the city and activate the room using Blue Eco. Another tricky area in the Lost Precursor City is a room where the boys need to use a rotating floor to first get two Scout Flies and to secondly retrieve another power-cell. If Jak and Daxter get all the power-cells in the area, they should now have over 50 power-cells including the ones they got in Sandover Village, and can go to the Boggy Swamp area as soon as Jak gives the fallen hero 90 precursor orbs.

Boggy Swamp

When Jak and Daxter return to Rock Village, Samos the Mage informs them about a Lurker plan, discovered by the Blue Sage, apparently the Lurkers have built a Zeppelin, anchored in Boggy Swamp, and plan to steal a Precursor Artifact. Jak and Daxter need to destroy the anchors to foil their plan, the best thing to do in Boggy Swamp, is note the places you have been because it is very easy to get lost, however the anchors are very easy to destroy because the Boggy Swamp has yellow ego which allows Jak to shoot fireballs. Apart from also collecting the usual 7 scout flies, the boys will receive two extra quests that involve riding a flut-flut in the swamp, and to protect the swamp hermit’s pet from the lurker rats.

The Lurker Monster - Klaww

The last mission of this part of the game sees Jak and Daxter facing the Lurker Monster named Klaww, who looks like a mix between King Kong and a World of Warcraft Orc. To defeat the monster is really simple, all Jak does is dodge the boulders he is throwing until a Blue Eco power charge pops-up, once Jak gets charged with Blue Eco, a Precursor Platform will form up, whereby Jak can charge up with yellow eco to blast the monster, Jak does this a few times before defeating Klaww and moving on to the next level.


After the Rock Village missions are complete, the heroes will make their way to the next level which is the Mountain Pass that leads to the Volcanic Crater, which we will cover in the next part of our Precursor Legacy Guidelines.