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Might and Magic Heroes VI Emperor's Will Walkthrough The Hostage Pup (Part 14)

After capturing the fort, step through the spirit gate and get ready for a big battle!

This battle has a special task. At least one of your mauler creatures must survive. This is the objective of this battle. Completing it will result in a victory. While failing it will result in a Defeat. So make sure you protect them and heal them. Whatever happens, dont let all of them die.

Depending on their faction, all heroes have access to a unique ability called the faction ability. when the gauge is filled to 25% - the pre-requisite of which differs for each faction, the ability can be used. When the faction ability is ready to use, you can use it anytime during the turn. The faction ability does not count as an action, you can still use standard abilities of your heroic strike in the same turn.

After defeating the enemy, head to the warrior orc nearby. You have to free a hostage. You can either negotiate with the orc, or kill the orcs and free the hostage.

In certain situations, you will be offered to follow the path of the blood or the path of the tears. If you choose the path of the blood for one of your heroes, that hero believes in imposing their will. If you choose the path of the tears, the hero believes that one should listen before acting, weighing the consequences, looking as to what is best for everyone. Slava already chose the path of the tears, so he can only select the option corresponding to his philosophy

So the "Attack" option will be greyed out. Click on "Negotiate".

This will unlock a new quest: The Hostage Pup

The rumors were true: the Orcs hold Gerhart's nephew Markus hostage. While the boy is a pest, Slava cannot let the child be harmed. The Orcs are ready to let Markus go if Slava recaptures their dwellings, now occupied by Wolf troops

Objective: Capture the Orc dwellings
Rewards: 1500 Experience

Also you have a new objective now in wolves at the barndoor - Defeat the three haven heroes (0/3 defeated)

Now that you have amassed a powerful army, enemies you encounter will sometimes flee. It will say that "Impressed by the strength of your army, the creatures disband and start fleeing. What do you do?"

You will have 2 choices: Pursue or Leave Them

You will gain reputation according to your choices. When you let a weak enemy flee, you will gain tears reputation or you can kill them for blood reputation. Also remember that you can gain additional reputation points during combat by using active abilities.

Around this point it might tell you that Slava cannot be everywhere at once and to build a hall of heroes in your town and recruit another hero.