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Dark Souls Walkthrough Part 22 – Darkroot Garden

Dark Souls Walkthrough Part 22 – Darkroot Garden

This area is best accessed through the Undead Parish. From Anor Londo it is a trek back through Sen's Fortress but that should not be too bad as you know its traps now. As the Bonfire is still out if you have retrieved her soul from Laurtec's realm you can now return to the Firelink Shrine and revive her. She will actually talk with you now so you can learn something about her.

You can get to the Darkroot Garden easily from where you find the Blacksmith, Andre of Astora. There is a Prowling Demon in the way but that should not be too hard as there is a lot of space for you to work with to take it down. If you have 20,000 souls to spare you can get the Key for the Dark Garden. This will allow you to skip a nice part of the Darkroot Garden and go right to the heart of the Dark Garden.

Once inside the Darkroot Garden you want to head straight forward. There are a number of enemies in the way and you will want to follow the glowing flowers as they will guide you along the right path. Going straight ahead you will find the door leading to the heart of the garden. Strike the wall to the left of it and you will reveal a Bonfire, a nice small haven for yourself. If you do not have the key you will need to make a detour into the Darkroot Basin to move into the heart of the Darkroot Garden. There are still some things to do before then.

Head to the right from the door and make your way slowly upwards. In the first opening to the right you will encounter a trio of Great Stone Knights. Walk carefully and lure them one at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed. Inside the area they were guarding you will find a Large Nameless Soul. Keep moving on to encounter a Possessed Tree and beyond it you will find a set of Elite Knight Armor to the right and to the left you will find Partizan behind another monster. There are a lot of enemies her to work slowly and carefully to draw them out to you. Once you make it to the back right, head up the ruined tower. Take it up and you will find a bridge with the Moonlight Butterfly on it.

Moonlight Butterfly
If there is one blessing to this battle it is that the Butterfly must charge for all of its attacks. Since this is not truly an issue for most classes in Dark Souls, it puts many at an advantage. This will also be more a ranged battle so one should be certain to have a powerful bow and some good arrows to deal wit this Butterfly. If you are more a melee fighter than you will need to play a bit differently, blocking, dodging and waiting for the beast to land. It has a number of ranged attacks but only one ground based attack which is insanely powerful and should be avoided.

Playthrough 1
This Butterfly loves to use the Magical Needle attack. While it is at a moderate speed it is somewhat easy to dodge. You want to start the roll just as it finishes charging but just before it unleashes its attack. Unload arrows and their ilk at the Butterfly as best you can. If you are in for melee you must wait for it to land to use its explosion move. It will land on the bridge and you only have a short while to inflict damage on it. When it starts glowing bright you must run far and fast. If it catches you with its explosion attack it could easily take half your health to kill you.

New Game +
Likely you will have a few more ranged options regardless of your class and style. Keep things at a distance and remain wary of its explosion attack when it lands. Otherwise just keep your assault constant and at range. Again, you will want to roll out of the way for its attacks just as it finishes its charging for it.

Once you kill the beast head into the tower beyond it. Inside it you will find the Watchtower Basement Key, a big aid for you, and a divine ember. Both of these are things you will want. Once you have all these head back on down to the Bonfire. If you have the Key, now is the time to use it, otherwise, backtrack to the start of the area and make for the Darkroot Basin.

If you have the key you will enter the heart of the Darkroot Garden. Be warned that you will have things beyond just the enemies to worry about here. If you are revived as Human you will need to worry about the Covenant that Alvina heads. If you head to the right you will find a number of enemies but you will find the ladder to the Darkroot Basin as well as the Eastern Armor Set. Sweep to the left you will find a passage with Alvina inside it. Talk to the cat and say “Yes” to join her Covenant. You will be given a ring that, while you are human, you can summoned to protect the heart of the Darkroot Garden from intruders. Head on through the passage and take the stairs down. Hug to the left to find a Stone Armor set behind the staircase you come out from.

Head forward from the tower you emerge from to have a chance to find an Enchanted Ember. There are a few enemies in the way but nothing too bad. When you make it to the other side of the heart of the garden you will encounter three Guardian Cats. You can kill one easily without drawing the others and it will likely get them to fall from a cliff. This damages them and makes it easier to draw them out in a fashion you can manage.

Beyond here you will find another descent. When you are ready, complete the descent to find Sif, the Great Grey Wolf.

Sif, The Great Grey Wolf
This one animal redefines speed in the game. More than anything you will want to block and counter attack throughout the battle simply to keep pace with him. This is not meant to be a speed contest.

Playthrough 1
More than anything you will want to move and keep yourself at an advantage where he cannot hit you. If you are above or below him there is a good chance most of his attacks will simply whiff, potentially giving you an opening to attack him. Still, his multi-hit attacks will drain your stamina rapidly and break your guard so any time you see him spin attempt to evade the coming attack. The other is when he charges you. Attempt to either evade the attack or be at a great enough distance that only his sword will hit you.

New Game +
If you have a lot of Stamina this will be an easier battle where you can block all the attacks. Otherwise much of the strategy remains the same. Keep ready to block any of his attacks save his charge and spinning attacks.

Once you kill Sif, look behind the large gravestone in the middle of the area to find the Hornet Ring. If you have Covenant of Astorias you will be able to enter the Abyss at the end of the New Londo Ruins. With this complete it is solidly time to head for the Darkroot Basin. From here you will can easily each the Valley of the Drakes as well to gain the items inside.