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Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 4 – A Hard Ride

Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 4 – A Hard Ride

Once again, right on the tail of the last memory, Ezio just dives after the rope trailing from the wagon. This part is going to hurt to say the least.

Ezio must pull himself forward toward the wagon while avoiding the rough terrain, logs and rocks that are coming at him. It is best to only move when there is a pause in things coming at you. Try to keep Ezio aligned with carriage to avoid the most damage. Any time you get down to critical it will be harder to see something coming at you so be warned.

Once you make it onto the carriage you have some company to keep. You are now in control of a carriage and you want to ram into the other one. While in control of the carriage avoid as much rough terrain as you can as this will tear your carriage apart. If anything force your opponent's onto this patches or fall back to avoid them all together. Do not just ram the Captain but after each time you do, go to the far left. This gives you the best push when you ram and it will help you avoid taking damage from the terrain. The goal of this is not to destroy the carriage but to make it through to the next part of the memory.