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Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 5 – The Wounded Eagle

Assassin's Creed Revelations Part 5 – The Wounded Eagle

Only minutes after the chase concluded with Ezio going over the cliff do we see him come to the next village to confront Leandros. He leaves a few men to deal with you as he sees you only living so much longer. While Ezio is in this state he will not able to climb so keep that in mind throughout this memory.

Full Synchronization requires that you kill 5 guards from haystacks. While Ezio as injured as he is, this will be more challenging than usual.

When you are in control deal with the first immediate group of soldiers as quickly as possible. Be sure to take advantage of the kill chain ability. You can chain kills by hitting the attack button during a kill animation while pointing your directional button toward the next target. Again, be sure to loot the bodies to get more supplies for the next sequence. Everything you have collected so far will carry over.

Once the guards are dead and looted, move toward the next waypoint. You will see a guard on the bridge that can be dealt with a few ways. The most entertaining is to use a poison dart to take him out but you can just as easily slip past him with careful timing. At the top Ezio will automatically ride the Water Wheel up.

Assassinate the guard that is just ahead of you then head down the stairs to your left. Continue down that to the final landing. You will see a guard patrolling ahead of you. Wait for him to move to the right to make your move toward the carriage nearby the haystack. When his back is turned, in the middle of his patrol, is when you will want to make your way into the haystack. Now simply wait for the prompt to yank him in for the kill

From here you will not have a hard time luring a few more guards over to you. Stand by the haystack and let a guard notice you. When their indicator turns red, that is your cue dive back into the hay and they will walk right over to you. From the first haystack alone you can get three of the five kills needed.

Now head down the path nearby that first haystack. Take the first right you can to avoiding getting a few guards on you. Head left and continue along this path, keeping between the buildings so you can easily slip behind a pair of guards. Keep to the right as you cross the open space. You will find a second haystack to work from now. One guard will cross nearby. After him, use the same tactic as earlier to lure in one more guard to complete the optional objective for full synchronization.

Now head to the left of the haystack and up the slope to the left. There is one guard which is very easy to deal with. At the top there is a cutscene and you will then be in a fight against a small number of guards. Focus on blocking and using the counter-kill to ensure your survival. Follow it with some chain kills to ensure that you take no damage. Loot the bodies to collect some medicine to restore Ezio's abilities so he can ran and jump again.

To keep things simple for Ezio, head for the rooftops. Use these to avoid detection as much as possible. Your only concern will be some riflemen and they are easy enough to deal with. Scale up the closest building and take the wires linking it to the one nearby with the rifleman. Kill him and hop over to the next building's edge and drop down. Free run to the left, swinging around the side and then running up the fencing. On the rooftop you will encounter another Rifleman. Kill him then head for the wooden outcropping. Dive from there into the haystack below. Run forward to reach the waypoint marker.

You are now under fire by riflemen. The best way to survive this part is to just keep moving. First go left then scale up as much as you can. When you are nearby the window, hop to the right onto it then continue up. The wood above you will fall so go left then move up onto the beam so you can run up the wall. You will reach a balcony so cross over to the other side continue your climb upwards. Run up onto the wall just to the left of the door. Climb up and to the left from the wooden beam to be rocketed up to the rooftop.

At the top you will find your target, Leandros, so kill him with the hidden blade. With this you are taken back to the Island inside the Animus.