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Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 7 – Upgrade and Explore

Assassin's Creed Revelations Walkthrough Part 7 – Upgrade and Explore

First you need to leave the Assassin's Headquarters. It is very big, on par with Ezio's own hideout back in Italy. Take a moment to get into the room on the right and explore it a little. You will find two chest with bomb components. Collect them then head outside.

Your objective updates when you get outside to earn enough money to buy new armor. This requires 343 in funds. If you looted the bodies on the way out of Maysaf then likely you are good to go and can just head for a blacksmith. Otherwise there is pickpocketing or helping out citizens who will gladly part with some coin for your assistance. Feel free to earn plenty extra as once you get the armor other options will be open to you the next time you interact with the blacksmith. At this point his stock is:
Prussian War Hammer    2542
Bearded Axe            6843
Small Weapons:
Kurdish Jambiya        294
Crossbow            18768
Bullets                206
Throwing Knives        74
Fuse Shell            98
Indian Gunpowder        245
Pyrite Coins            144

Once you have bought what you want take some time to wander the city and get a feel for it. You will learn that there are random events that can happen to aid you with money and Stalkers who are sent by the Templars to kill you. Be sure to take the time to visit the nearby view points. This makes life a lot easier as you can see the city. When that is done is a good time to finish this memory and head for the Assassin's Headquarters.

Also available will be books from the book store:
The Odyssey            171
Aeneid                206
Mu'allaqat            284
Geography            411
History of Kings        450
Treasure Maps:
Galata Map 1            704
Galata Map 2            1125