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SWTOR Character Creation Guide - Star Wars: The Old Republic

Choose from North America or Europe Servers

PVE: Player Vs Environment Server. This is the standard environment where players compete against computer-controlled opponents. However, if you want a chance to fight other players (PVP), fights must be consensual and in designated areas around the world. There will be no special rules enforcement for naming or chat on this server.

Note: PVE Servers are recommended for those who are new to MMOs

PVP: Player Vs Player Server. This environment allows players to attack other players in many areas of the game. You may engage with and be attacked by other players frequently while adventuring. If you are looking for a taste of direct intergalactic conflict against other players, this may be the server type for you. However, please bear in mind that actions and situations that can be resolved through PVP are not considered harassment and will not be enforced as such.

Note: PVP Servers are recommended for more experienced players only. You WILL get attacked constantly by other players on these type of servers, making it harder for you to complete missions.

RP: Roleplay Server. If you enjoy roleplaying with other characters, this is a recommended server for your play style. Please be aware that we encourage players to take a mature stance and respect the gameplay preference of other players on this server. There will be no special rules enforcement for naming or chat on this server.

Note: Take this if you want to Roleplay.

RP-PVP:  Roleplay Player Versus Player Server. If you enjoy roleplaying but want the spontaneity of competing against other players, this may be the server for you. However, please bear in mind that actions and situations that can be resolved through PvP are not considered harassment and will not be enforced as such.

Note: Not recommended for first-time players to MMORPGs.

North America: East Coast, West Coast
Europe: English, French, German

Step 1 of 5

Choose Your Allegiance:

The Galactic Republic: Founded 20,000 years ago by explorers and diplomats, the Galactic Republic is a vast democracy led by Supreme Chancellor. The Republic is a chaotic amalgam of many worlds, corporations and species, which often clash with each other.

The Sith Empire: A rigid, militaristic society where aliens are subjugated and the Sith Lords are supreme, the Empire is ruled by the mysterious, all-powerful Sith Emperor. To Imperial Citizens, power is everything. Only the strongest ascend to glory.

Note: This is the faction selection and is one of the more important decisions you will make storywise when creating a character. Choose the faction you like best.

Step 2 of 5

SWTOR Character Creation

Select a Class

This is a very important decision, and is based on your preferred playstyle. Like melee fighting? choose Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior. Want to be support or healer, or use magic forces? Choose Jedi Consular or Sith Inquisitor. You like playing quick and stealthy characters? choose a smuggler or Imperial Agent. Enjoy armor and heavy firepower? Choose Trooper or Bounty Hunter.


Jedi Knight: Leaders and warriors, heroes and champions, the Jedi Knights have stood at the forefront of every battle. They are masters of the lightsaber arts, kicking, jumping, and flashing through the air and using the Force to clear the way in front of them

This is a melee/fighter type class and like lightsabers.

Jedi Consular: A master of the secrets of the Force, the Jedi Consular is both fighter and healer, teacher and student. The Force can be used to cloud the minds of the weak, restore strength to the fallen and hurl both opponents and objects through the air

This class can be compared to a priest class. Can be a support class with healing capabilities as well as buffing and debuffing. But they have good offensive capability as well with telekinetic attacks and double-bladed lightsaber.

Smuggler: Living life by their own rules, Smugglers are the galaxy's most unpredictable characters. They dress for ease of movement with a healthy does of style carry one or dual blasters and are always ready to shoot first, stealth up and sneak away after.

Characters of this class are agile and stealthy. Can be compared to an assassin/thief type class. They use pistols and gadgets.

Trooper: Across the galaxy, the Republic's elite special forces drop into the harshest conflicts ready to do maximum damage. Outfitted with advanced armor, huge weaponry and the best training possible, Troopers combine leadership with suppression fire, a variety of explosives and incendiary weapons

With their advanced armor, this can be seen as the Tank and heavy fire class.


Sith Warrior: No one inspires more fear than a Sith Warrior. Born for battle, few opponents can withstand the rage-fueled blows from a Warrior's lightsaber or penetrate a Warrior's armor. If dual-wielded lightsabers can't finish the job, there is always Force Choke to bring an opponent to his knees.

Choose Sith Warriors if you like melee fighting and Lighstabers, as this class specializes in that.

Sith Inquisitor: Where a Sith Warrior is rage, an inquisitor is cunning. A master of Force Lightning and arcane secrets, the inquisitor can hold one enemy in the air and stun another all the while attacking with lightsaber moves designed for maximum pain.

This class is akin to a magic user class with the ability to fire lightning from his fingertips.

Bounty Hunter: A thorough professional, the Bounty Hunter trains mind and body for every possible job. Blasters, flamethrowers, missiles, energy shields, jetpack and the best armor money can buy - the name of the game is preparation and versatility

Choose this class if you want to use heavy armor and the latest weapons and gadgets

Imperial Agent: Behind every Imperial surprise attack, each sabotage, all the great betrayals, was an imperial agent. Armed for stealth and assassination, Agents do the jobs nobody else can and as such are trained to use everything from sleeping darts to sniper rifles, stealth belts, and knives to advanced probe droids.

A stealthy assassin type class with many high tech equipment in its arsenal. Can also be played as snipers.

Step 3 of 5

Select Species

This decision will affect how your character looks, as well as your racial ability. Races available will be based on what faction and class you chose.

Human: By far the most common species in the galaxy, Humans are versatile and the norm against which other species are judged.
Social Ability: Rallly -Rallies nearby allies.

Miraluka: Born without eyes, the near-human Miraluka possess the unusual ability to see with the Force, viewing the galaxy by how the force moves through it
Social Ability: Sense Force Alignment - Sense the target's alignment with the Force

Twi'Lek: Instantly identifiable by their colorful skin and long head tails (Called "lekku"), the Twi'lek people have long been opressed, with only the rare group escaping slavery
Social Ability: Parlor Dance - Performs a unique cultural dance

Zabrak: Fiercely independent and identifiable by their horns and facial tattoos, Zabraks have two visually different cultural groups split almost perfectly between Republic and Imperial space.
Social Ability: Inspire Loyalty - Inspires loyalty from nearby allies

Mirialan: The deeply spiritual Miralan people have a religion built around a basic concept of the Force and tattoo geometric designs onto their faces to celebrate life achievements.
Social Ability: Focusing Ritual - Undergo a Focusing Ritual to rest and recuperate the spirit.

Cyborg: Humans enhanced by cybernetic implants - some to compensate for injuries, others to enhance their combat abilities.
Social ability: Scan Target - Scans the target with a critical cybernetic eye.

Chiss: A secretive, mysterious people, the blue-skinned Chiss are the only official allies of the Sith Empire, making them a subject of interest to everyone else.
Social Ability: Salute - Prompts nearby allies to stand at attention

Rattataki: Born and bred in a culture of war, Rattataki tattoo harsh, deep black symbols across their white skin and never walk away from a fight.
Social Ability: Shadowbox - Performs a series of mock blows, blocks, and counters, warming up for the fights to come.

Sith: Decendants of the alien species that gave the name to the Sith Order and humans, Purebloods have a high percentage of Force sensitivity and sharp bone ridges.
Social Ability: Punish - Punishes your companion for his or her continued failure.

Step 4 of 5

Select Gender

Male or Female.

This is for cosmetic purposes only. Has no effect on stats or gameplay

Step 5 of 5


Customize (Options will depend on the race you chose): Body Type, Head, Scars, Complexion, Eye Color, Cybernetics, Cosmetics, Hair, Hair Color, Skin Color, Masks, Patterns,  Horns and Hair, Jewelry.

You can ZOOM in on a character or ROTATE it by using mouse or icons on the bottom of the character.

Click on RANDOM to randomize your character. One strategy when creating a new character is to just hit random many times until you get one who looks close to what you like, then customizing him further using the sliders

Click on the LOCK icon to lock a certain appearance option so you don't change it accidentally or by using random.

Name your character: Choose a name for your character, or press "RANDOM" if you are having problems coming up with one.

Start the game and have fun!!