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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 31 – Pirate Stronghold

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 31 – Pirate Stronghold

First, when you arrive at the Stronghold, save at the nearby statue. Approach the entrance of the stronghold itself and you will assaulted by a massive number of Thunder Keese. Do not approach the teeth of the entrance as they are surrounded by quick sand that can suck you down before you realize what is going on. Head over to the right and drop down to the ledge below. Look behind you to find a door set into the wall. Take that to get inside.

Head on down the ramp. Next go to the left and then into the far right door, as it is the only one that is not barred. Clear the dust away for some goodies then defeat the pair of Lizalfos that await in the next chamber. After that just continue forward into the next room. Pull out your bombs and throw one at the Electro Spume that is in the sand pit. Dash across it after you have taken it down. Head on through the door on the far side.

Go to the right and down the corridor to find what you are looking for. This is a portal Time-Shift Stone, a Timeshift Orb. Grab it and head to the left. Head into the next room and be prepared for the Technoblins that are waiting for you inside. Just kill them quickly, as you start swinging your sword, Link will set down the Timeshift Orb. Now continue on down this corridor. In the next room you will likely be surprised by the Beamos that guards the door. Slash it down then thrust your sword into its camera. As you head into the next room, take a moment to set down the Orb at the T-intersection, this will let you grab the nearby chest with a Silver rupee inside that is otherwise guarded by an electrical barrier. Head to the right from there, with your orb to get into the next bit.

Head down the ramp and to the left. Go up the ramp on the far side of the room. You will have noticed the platforms that appear in the room. From the top of the far ramp, jump onto the nearest of these platforms. Now cross over to the door in the northeast. Head on through the passage beyond it. Set down the Timeshift Orb as you spot the bars blocking an archway. GO through the nearby corridor and then dash up the wall on the left side of the bars. You will pull the switch which will let you continue forward with the Timeshift Orb.

This room is another one with a lot of hidden timeshifted objects. As you enter it, expect at least one Deku Baba to attack you. After that, approach the chest that you can see to the right. Once only a yard or so of sand remains between the edge of the timeshifted area and the chest then set down the orb and dash the remaining distance. If you call up the blocking terrain, just move back a bit. Head for the passage that leads to the south connected to this room. You will need to weave around a few obstacles but that is is (and a few more Deku Babas). As you head into the corridor though, you will be attacked by a trio of Babas (two Deku and one Quadro), just set down the orb, jump back and throw a bomb at them. Beyond them is a single Technoblin and more Deku Babas so be wary as you advance toward the next room.

In this room you will have to deal with a few Technoblins in addition to Quadro Babas and an Electro Spume or two. The goal in here is to reach the southwest corner and push the metal box onto the pressure plate there. Be sure that the second door is not in the timeshifted area as it will be electrically charged then. After that, grab the Timeshit Orb and bring it over to the door so you can get through it.

In this room, set down the Timeshift orb so you can get to the Blue Chest on the far side of the room easily. While in here be sure to pull the switch on the wall between the two doors to make like easier in the future. Now head back to the orb and it is time to solve the puzzle of this room. Return to the orb and head toward the archway on your left. Set down the orb when you are close enough to revive the Beamos on the other side. In this room you will want to use the Timeshift Orb to your advantage for crowd control. Just revive one mechanical monstrosity at a time opposed to having to deal with multiple ones simultaneously. Now grab the orb and advance to revive the second Beamos. Head through the door you opened when you grabbed the blue chest. Now you have a pair of Armos to deal with. Again, use the Timeshift Orb to revive them one at a time. Kill them to open the door in front of you. Now grab the Timeshift Orb and head on through it. Go into the next room and set down the Timeshift Orb on the pedestal for it. This will raise the entrance of the Stronghold for you. Pull out the orb and move it slightly to disable the electrical barrier that is preventing your forward movement.

Once outside head for the newly exposed area. Continue forward after Fi talks to you and pull out your clawshots. Use them to climb up above the doorway and get at the Goddess Cube above you. With that, head back to the boat and get ready for some sailing. The ship is constantly on the move so you need to sail and drowse. Once you get close, you need to hit it with three cannon balls to stop it. Once you manage to get it a stop, do not hesitate to head back to land for a minute to save and restock up in Skyloft. This is the final part of this area.