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SWTOR Classes Guide - Jedi Knight - Star Wars: The Old Republic

Allegiance: The Galactic Republic

Summary: Leaders and Warriors, heroes and champions, the Jedi Knights have stood at the forefront of every battle. They are masters of the lightsaber arts, kicking, jumping and flashing through the air and using the force to clear the way in front of them

jedi knight

Races:  The following Species can be a Jedi Knight:

Starting Area: Tython / Jedi Temple / The Gnarls

Equivalent RPG Class(es): Warrior

Abilities:  The Jedi Knight is a master of lightsaber combat. The Knight's abilities focus on the use of single and dual lightsabers both as devastating offensive weapons, and powerful protective implements. The Knight occasionally uses force powers in addition to his close range saber attacks, though not as much as the Jedi Consular.

Knights who become Jedi Guardians will continue to specialize in single saber combat, and may learn defensive lightsaber forms to help shield themselves and allies from incoming attacks.

Knights who become Jedi Sentinels become versed in combat with two lightsabers, and  learn powerful attacks that utilize both weapons.

Advanced Classes:

Jedi Guardian
Selected at level 10
A wall between the good people of the Republic and their enemies, the Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack.

Class Role: Tank, Damage
Weapon: Lightsaber
Armor: Heavy
Resource: Focus

Skill Trees:  Defense, Vigilance, Focus

Jedi Sentinel
Selected at level 10
Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Sentinel. Through years of training, the Sentinelr learns the art of using two lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade.

Class Role: Damage
Weapon: 2 Lightsabers
Armor: Medium
Resource: Focus

Skill Trees: Watchman, Combat, Focus

Combat Role: Whether defending allies by deflecting a barrage of blaster fire or charging in to challenge a Sith Lord, the Knight's role is crucial in any conflict. The Jedi Knight enjoys the benefit of ancient teachings that have been passed down through hundreds of generations. Combining these time tested maneuvers with the natural guadance of the Fore, the Knight is capable of achieving extraordinary feats.

Equipment: The galaxy has been plagued by war for decades, and despite the treaty of Coruscant, the Jedi have no delustions about the constant danger. Though traditional Jedi robes range from light cloth to thick leathers, many Jedi Knights also wear parts or entire suits of heavy armor when going into battle.