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SWTOR Classes Guide - Jedi Consular - Star Wars: The Old Republic

Allegiance: The Galactic Republic

Summary: A master of the secrets of the Force, the Jedi Consular is both fighter and healer, teacher and student. The Force can be used to cloud the minds of the weak, restore strength to the fallen and hurl both opponents and objects through the air.

SWTOR Consular

Races: The following Species can be a Jedi Consular:

Starting Area: Tython / Master's Retreat

Equivalent RPG Class(es): Priest, Monk

Abilities: The Jedi Consular is versed in both powerful Force attacks and close-range combat with the double-bladed lightsaber.

Consulars who pursue the Jedi Sage path will find themselves masters of telekinetic attacks, using the Force to knock enemies around and hurl objects at them. Some Sages may also learn restorative abilities that use the Force to heal their allies.

Those that pursue the path of the Shadow are able to use the Force to sneak close to enemies without being seen, then using the element of surprise to best enemies in melee combat with their double-bladed lightsaber. Some Jedi Shadows specialize in defensive abilities, allowing them to shield themselves and their allies from harm.

Advanced Classes:

Jedi Sage
Selected at Level 10
Sages are famed for their wisdom as much as for their powerful healing and defensive skills. In troubled times, a sage brings together the insight of the past with raw power to change the flow of galactic events.

Class Role: Heal, Damage
Weapon: Lightsaber
Armor: Light
Resource: Force

Skill Trees: Seer, Telekinetics, Balance

Jedi Shadow
Selected at Level 10
Wielding double-bladed lightsabers, Shadows embrace the synergy between melee and Force combat, enabling them to strike down enemies of the order with deadly efficiency

Class Role: Tank, Damage
Weapon: Double-bladed Lightsaber
Armor: Light
Resource: Force

Skill Trees: Kinetic Combat, Infiltration, Balance

Combat Role: The Consular's Powers go for beyond meditation and mediation, and nothing illustrates this as vividly as their graceful movements in battle. Whether beset by an army of assassin droids or caught in the middle of soured negotiations, the Jedi Consular fights with an open conduit for the Force; manipulating massive forces to disable, or even destroy, their enemies.

Equipment: Preferring to stay as nimble on the battlefield as they are in negotiations, Jedi Consulars avoid the heavy battle armor worn by many Jedi Knights. Dense polymers and cortosis armors would weigh them down; light cloaks and ornamented robes suit their strengths better, and the efforts they most often find themselves engaged in. No matter where they go, however, Consulars are never without the lightsaber that marks their initiation into the Jedi Order.