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SWTOR Server List - Star Wars: The Old Republic

This list will be updated as more servers are added, so bookmark this page and check back often!

North America Servers

Servers are listed in alphabetical order:
Ajunta Pall / RP-PVP /West Coast
Anchorhead / PVP/ East Coast
Begeren Colony / RP / West Coast
Belgoth's Beacon / PVP / East Coast
Black Vulkars / PVP / West Coast
Bondar Crystal / PVP / East Coast
Ganderous Ordo / PVE / East Coast
Corellian Run / PVE / East Coast
Daragon Trail / PVP / West Coast
Dark Reaper / PVP / West Coast
Darth Bandon / PVE / East Coast
Davik's Estate / PVP / East Coast
Death Wind Corridor / PVP / East Coast
Dreshdae Cantina / PVE / East Coast
Giradda the Hutt / PVE / East Coast
Grand Master Zym / PVE / East Coast
Hedarr Soongh / PVP / East Coast
Helm of Graush / PVP / East Coast
Hyperspace Cannon / PVE / West Coast
Iron Citadel / PVP / East Coast
Jedi Covenant / PVE / East Coast
Juna Ma / RP-PVP / East Coast
Juyo / PVE / East Coast
Kaas City / PVE / East Coast
Keller's Void / PVE / East Coast
Kinrath Spider / PVP / East Coast
Krath / PVE / West Coast
Krayt Dragon / PVE / East Coast
Lord Adreas / RP / East Coast
Lord Praven / PVE / West Coast
Mandalore the Indomitable / PVP / West Coast
Mask of Nihilus / PVE / West Coast
Master Zhar Lestin / PVE / West Coast
Mind Trick / PVE / East Coast
Nadd's Sarcophagus / PVP / West Coast
Naddist Rebels / PVP / East Coast
Port Nowhere / PVP / East Coast
Prophecy of the Five / PVP / East Coast
Rakata Mind Prison / PVP / West Coast
Rubat Crystal / RP / East Coast
Saber of Exar Kun / PVP / East Coast
Sanctum of the Exalted / RP / East Coast
Shadow Hand / PVE / East Coast
Shien / RP / East Coast
Shii-Cho / PVE / East Coast
Sith Mediation Sphere / PVE / East Coast
Sith Wyrm / PVE / East Coast
Space Slug / PVE / West Coast
Sword of Ajunta Pall / PVP / East Coast
Tarro Blood / PVE / East Coast
Terentatek / PVP / East Coast
Thana Vesh / PVE / East Coast
The Corsair / PVE / East Coast
The Crucible Pits / PVP / West Coast
The Ebon Hawk / RP / East Coast
The Fatman / PVP / East Coast
The Harbinger / PVE / West Coast
The Jekk'Jekk Tar / PVE / West Coast
The Shadowlands / PVE / East Coast
The Swiftsure / PVP / West Coast
The Twin Spears / PVP / East Coast
Veela / PVP / East Coast
Ven Zallow / RP-PVP / East Coast
Vornskr / PVE / WEst Coast
Vrook Lamar / RP / West Coast
Vulkar Highway / PVP / East Coast
Warriors of the Shadow / PVP / West Coast
Wound in the Force / PVP / West Coast
Zaalbar / PVE / West Coast

Europe Servers

Ahto City / PVP / English
Bao-Dur / PVE / English
Baron Deathmark / PVP / French
Basilisk Droid / PVP / English
Battle Meditation / RP / French
Bloodworthy / PVP / English
Cassus Fett / RP / German
Chundar / PVP / German
Darth Andeddu / PVE / German
Darth Nihilus / PVP / French
Darth Revan's Mask / PVP / German
Darth Trays / PVP / German
Dreypa's Oubilette / PVE / German
Exar Kun / PVE / German
Force Harvester / PVE / German
Frostclaw / PVE / English
Gnawer's Roost / PVP / German
Handmaidens of Atris / PVE / German
Hex Droid / PVP / English
Hidden Baks / PVE / English
Hrakert Rift / PVP / French
Hssiss / PVE / French
Huntmaster / RP-PVP / French
Hydian Way / PVE / English
Jar'Kai Sword / PVP / German
Jen'Jidai / RP-PVP / German
Kai-Kan / PVP / English
Kellian Jarro / PVE / English
Kessel Run / RP / French
Legions of Lettow / PVP / English
Lord Calypho / RP-PVP / English
Ludo Kressh / PVE / English
Luka Sene / PVE / English
Mantle of the Force / PVE / French
Nightmare Lands / PVE / English
Niman / PVP / English
Peragus Mining Facility / PVE / English
Phateem Halls of Knowledge / PVE / French
Pius Dea / PVP / German
Scepter of Ragnos / PVP / English
SIth Triumvirate / PVE / German
Sith'ari / PVE / English
Star Map / PVP / French
Supreme Commander Stantorrs / PVE / German
T3-M4 / PVE / German
The Hedi Tower / PVE / German
The Krath Enchanter / PVP / German
The Progenitor / RP / English
The Ravager / PVP / English
The Red Eclipse / PVE / English
The Restoration Zone / PVP / German
Tomb of Freedon Nadd / PVP / English
Trask Ulgo / RP / English
Trayus Academy / PVP / English
Uthar Wynn / PVP / English
Vanjervalis Chain / RP / German