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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 32 – The Sandship

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 32 – The Sandship

The final part of the Lanayru Desert, you just need to make it through this ship. Head to the left and through the unbarred door over there. Stop at the Save Statue on your way though to be safe. Head down the nearby stairs and to the right. You will find a cooridor with another door, albiet guarded by a small swarm of Thunder Keese. Inside the room you will find an Electro Spume waiting for a bomb. Blast it then head across the sand. Keep going forward and down the stairs then through the next door.

Inside this room you have a lot of Arachas. Be thankful they are somewhat easy to kill even in these numbers. Slaughter your way through them to the next save statue. Explore the room and Fi will point out the location of the Puzzle door. Still, there are barbed wires across it so Link needs to find a Timeshift Stone and bring it here in addition to anything else. Head to the left-hand corridor and go down it. Just before the door is another swarm of Thunder Keese. Head through it to the next room.

In here you have one massive amount of sand covering things up again. You have a few Arachas that will likely attack you in this area but nothing more … for now. If you blast away all the sand you will find the sequence for the Petal Lock on the door: Down, Up, Down, Right. Through the door you will find the small key you need to open the door on the first floor.

Be warned that you are heading into a mid-boss battle so be healed and ready for it.

You take on the robot captain that captured the ship. This fight is essentially broken into two phases. The first is simple enough, drive it back to the edge of the gangplank and get it to go over. Take a little time to practice shield bashing its two attacks. Always the easier one to catch is its hook attack. The second phase proves to be a lot harder. You are put back at the start of the gangplank and you need to fight your way forward again but this time the gate is moving forward and it has spikes on it too. This phase is much more about using the shield bash to push it back enough to go over the edge a second time. The final phase has it attack exclusively with its hook hand. Shield Bash it and defend as you best can. Push it over the edge to claim your prize, the Wooden Bow and Arrows.

After the fight, follow Fi's advice and return to the middle of the ship. Pull out your new bow and arrow and shoot the symbol she pointed out. Draw back a second arrow and send it at the Timeshift Stone to transform the whole ship. This will unleash a good number of Bokoblins on you. Pick off all the ones you can see with your bow then head upwards using the ladder on the central mast. Again, shoot all the Bokoblins you can see now. Now head to the right from where you emerged on the ladder. You will see a target above the top of the zipline. Hit it with an arrow to call the rider over to you and to get to far back mast. Head to the left and again hit the target on the main mast that is just above the zipline. At the top, deal with the lone Bokoblin then open up the cage around the Timeshift Stone.

While that is technically everything, there is a hidden piece of heart that can be accessed easily from here. Turn and face the back of the ship. You will find one more zipline you can ride. Shoot an arrow at it to summon then rider then take it to the back of the ship. Drop down to the deck below and pull out the clawshots. Aim at the target that is behind the ship itself and grapple over there. Now look down and you will see another clawshot target on the actual stern of the ship. Now drop down and head to the right to claim your prize. From there just use the Clawshots to climb back up.

Time to head back inside, once again go to the right and through the door there. Inside the next room you have to deal with a pair of Techonlins. Head into the second room on the left and Fi will point out where you can get a clean shot through the grating. Use it immediately to get past the electric barrier and reach the chest on the other side. This one holds the map for the ship. Pull the lever to the right of the gate to ensure free access regardless of the time period. Head down the corridor and look to the right. Pull out the bow and aim through the fan vent that you will find another room is now open to you. To finish out this room you need to stand on the pressure plate to raise a section of wall. This reveals a target for your bow. You need to snipe it from the opposite side of the room, through the vent. It is something of a hard shot so expect it to take an arrow or two. This will open the adjoining room to exploration but that is best done in the past. Go back and hit the Timeshift Stone again. Now head into the room you just opened up, beat the Techoblin that is inside and active at the generator in the room.

Now head down the corridor and go through the second door on the left. You will have a pair of Techoblins to deal with but nothing too horrible. After you beat them, grab and pull the metal box to the front left of its area so it sits on the pressure plate there, this access will be handy in a bit. Head back to the top deck. Go to the back left and shoot the target above the escape ship. Now fire an arrow at the Timeshift Stone. Drop over the side onto the boat below and head into the room. Go into the next part of it with the generator and pull the switch to lift the gate in front of the door. Now head back to the room where you can shoot the Timeshift Stone from this level. Do so, return to this room, and activate the generator. Now head to the next room on the same side. Go through the porthole on the left and down the ladder. Go through the corridor and open the door at the end of it.

Drop down and get ready for some timed running. Move through the pistons and keep going forward until you reach the outcropping you can reach with the whip. Swing onto it but then turn and face to the right. Swing over there and head up the ladder. At the top you will arrive in a room full of treasure chests. Now drop down and head for the corridor on the right. Once the piston in front of you rises, dash down the corridor to the ladder. Climb up and use the whip. Time it carefully to jump from the whip onto the top of the piston. Now dash jump over to the next piston then step off onto the ledge behind it. Be sure to dash and pull the switch on the wall to create another shortcut for yourself. Now head on through the small opening to the left of the switch. Crawl through it and head up the ladder. Once up top, pull the switch to open the brig and allow the crew to escape. One of them will give you a small key to use up on the main deck. Now use the shortcuts you have created to quickly reach the top deck. Remember about the row boat that you can quickly reach the top deck with that you had lower earlier.

Head on up to the captain's quarters, the locked door in the back part of the ship on deck. Before you head in, be sure to bring the ship into the present. Head inside and down the stairs to the right. You will find a Save Statue to your right as you pass through. Now head through the door in the southeast. Once this area, look up through the skylight. You will see the Timeshift Stone and you want to bring things back to the past. Fire an arrow at it then quickly aim at the Beamos just waiting for you. Arrows to the eye are the quickest way to eliminate these dangerous foes. Now just quick kill off the Technoblin then stand the pressure plate in the rear of the room. This will raise the shutter behind where the Beamos was. Fire an arrow through the opening at the target beyond it to raise the gate barring entry into the next room. Head through the door but be warned. There are a trio of Beamos. They are very easy to kill using arrows and you will want to shoot at least two of them, if not all three. Once all three have been defeated, the gate blocking you from the carving will lift. Collect it then head back to the main hold of the ship. Head back down to the second basement level. Save at the statue then turn around and head for the door. Twist it to make a skull then insert it to head in for a boss battle.

Immediately as you enter the boss room, a number of tentacles shoot out of the floor. While they just as quickly retreat, it is clear the fight will not happen in here. Exit the room and head to the left. More tentacles will block your path. These stick around and Fi will give you some helpful advice to hit them with a Skyward Strike. This will sever them and clear the passage. Head forward carefully as there will be a barrel coming down the corridor shortly. Head up the stairs and at the first landing the level below will flood. Keep moving forward. You will need to get through a corridor with barrels constantly coming down it. Start dashing through it, weaving between the barrels. When you reach the next room, charge up a Skyward Strike and use it to deal with the tentacles. Run through the next room, jumping the gap and take the stairs upwards. Again, the level below will flood as you hit the first landing. Keep going for the door outside. Arm yourself with the bow and step outside.

Once outside the battle begins in earnest. Tentalus is revealed in full and you need to take it down. Take a moment to start up a Skyward Strike. This will still sever tentacles and the only way to get Tentalus to reveal its weak point is to do just that. After you sever about four tentacles, the main body will appear. When it opens its eye, put an arrow into it then dash forward and start slashing away. It will either resume its tentacle attack, punching through the deck or just re-emerge from the water. React accordingly.

After enough damage is dealt, Tentalus will start destroying the lower portion of the ship and a metal box will fall down. Dash for the box and to the upper portion of the deck. The battle takes a very different turn now. Tentalus will now remain above water but its tentacles will constantly attack you. You need to sever them with your sword to set Tentalus reeling. Once it collapses, charge in and strike its eye. Next time there is a cutscene, it will be the end of the battle.

Collect the heart container that descends for your efforts. Hit the emblem with a Skyward Strike to finish out the trial and move on to the final part of it.