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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 33 – Din's Silent Realm

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 33 – Din's Silent Realm

First visit the Isle of Songs to gain the tune Din's Power. Now head on down to the Eldin Volcano and aim for the entrance of the area. You will find your Goron friend waiting just behind you, overlooking the lava. You want to talk to the Goron as at the end of it Fi will be able to dowse for Goddess Cubes! Head on down the slope and return to where you first encountered Impa, at the foot of the mountain where you ascended to the temple. Pull out the Goddess Harp and strum in time to create the portal to the Silent Realm that lies in wait.

This is the final realm so this is not going to be easy. Expect to have to restart at least once or twice unless you are very nimble and graceful. If you need Dusk Relics, this will be your last chance for a while. If you have already collected thirteen, then just focus on collecting the Tears of Din.

Tear 1
Head to the left and up into the tunnel. Just across the lava pit is the first Tear.

Tear 2
Dash up the sandy slope to the first landing. Move carefully as there are a number of Poes on the slope and to the left. Aim so you just get past the divide in the trail. Right next to the Guardian you will find the Tear.

Tear 3
Dash all the way up to the slope. It is to the right, inside the Bokoblin village. There is a Dusk Relic tucked away inside the village as well so explore for a second if you are very confident.

Tear 4
Head back down the slope, dodging the Poes. Return to the starting area and go a little to the left. You will see a guardian on a small ledge. Just in front of it is the Tear.

Tear 5
Head into the nearby tunnel and over to the steam geyser. If you loop around the top of the geyser you will find another Dusk Relic. Head forward through the one open passage. Go left in the next chamber, up the slope, to reach this Tear.

Tear 6
There are two tears found on the sandy slope below Tear 5 however you can only grab one at a time. Jump onto the slope and go down the middle path. It is sitting nearby two bodies of Waking Water. It is easy to miss so be ready to make the run once or twice to grab it.

Tear 7
Head to the right at the bottom of the massive sandy slope. You will see it just sitting on the platform in front of you.

Tear 8
Once again, head to the top of the massive sandy slope. This is very easy as the steam geyser for it is just past Tear 7. Head all the way to the right path this time, aiming for the steam vent that will push up onto the ledge. Jump from here onto the next platform and repeat it to get to the left. Cross the pair of steam vents and you will see the Tear just sitting there.

Tear 9
At the bottom of the massive sandy slope, head to the right and over to where the vines hang off the ledge, not too far from the bone bridge. Climb down onto the vines to collect this drop then climb back up.

Tear 10
Dash across the bridge and climb the ledges to the right at the far end. Head up the short slope to find the Tear.

Tear 11
Turn around and head across the next bone bridge. Timing is very important here as a Poe is partolling it so only dash across when you are certain it will not catch you. Head to the left from there, jumping down onto the rocks floating the lava. Keep to the left to grab the Tear that is sitting there.

Tear 12
Head back to the land and start going up the slope, dashing up from ledge to ledge. You will spot the next drop suspended in mid-air nearby a rope. Jump over to the rope, twist to face the Tear and swing into it. Stop, turn around, and swing back onto the ledge you came from.

Tear 13
Continue up hill, past the guardian. You will find this Tear on a ledge just below.

Tear 14
Jump down to the ledge below. Head to the left, up the slope, to collect the next Tear.

Tear 15
Head down the slope from the last drop and hop over to the left as soon as you can. You will see a Glow Fruit and just behind it a crawl space. Head into the crawl space then go to the right as you emerge from it. Cross the tight rope to reach the final Tear.

Head back down the tightrope and through the crawl space. Now head straight on, back toward the bone bridges. Cross them carefully then head into the tunnel with the steam geyser, head to the left to quickly return to the starting point and claim your prize, the Fireshield Earrings.