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SWTOR Walkthrough - Judge and Executioner - Sith Warrior

You get the second Sith Warror class mission, "Judge and Executioner", after completing the mission "Arm Yourself".

Open the mission log:

Judge and Executioner
Overseer Tremel has administered the second trial, one that will allow you to show your wisdom and understanding of the dark side. Your mission is to judge three prisoners in the Sith Academy jails. Meet with Jailer Knash in the Sith Academy Jails for further instructions.

Your first task is to speak to Jailer Knash. The jails are in a room in the NW corner of the Sith Academy. Interrogate the three prisoners and decide their fate.

First Prisoner - Solentz
Solentz was sent to kill an Imperial spy in the Yavin system. Throughout her torture, she maintained that she was hired anonymously. She did not know her target was an Imperial, and does not know who hired her. She doesn't deny the charge. You must decide, execution or trial by combat.

Your options are:
Execution [Kill her] (DARK)
Arm her (DARK)
The Empire needs assassins (LIGHT)

The best choice is: The Empire needs assassins. She could prove useful working for Imperial Intelligence.

Second Prisoner - Devotek
Devotek was once a valued Sith champion, until he botched an important mission and caused a thousand Imperial deaths. He asks you for trial by combat.

Your options are:
Jailer, give him a sword (DARK)
Continue to rot (LIGHT)
No, you die [Kill him] (DARK)

The best option is: Jailer, give him a sword (Which will lead to a fight against him. Defeat Devotek)

Third Prisoner - Brehg
Brehg is suspected of supplying forged documents to Republic agents. Strangely enough, he maintains his innocence despite being severely tortured. He claims to have been set up. He did some time in a Republic jail for Forgery, so he thinks he was the perfect candidate to implicate in this, even though he claims not to have committed any crimes since getting out of the Republic jail. Jailer Knash tells you the evidence against Brehg is circumstantial.

Your choices are:
Leave him in chains (DARK)
Set him Free (LIGHT)
Bleed him until he relents (DARK)

The best choice is: Bleed him until he relents.

SWTOR Torture Prisoner

After you finish with the prisoners, head back to Overseer Tremel to see what he thinks of your choices:

The assassin Solentz. She attempted to kill an Imperial spy but was unaware of her client's affiliation. If you assigned her to Imperial Intelligence, Overseer Tremel commends you on excellent thinking. Never waste a potential resource. Darth Baras also would approve your decision.

The failed warrior, Devotek. He begged you to let him die fighting. You should have killed him. If you decided to keep him in jail, Tremel disapproved. He says Devotek is a waste of space and we should not waste resources housing him. Once something is no longer useful, it should be eradicated.

The Forger - You should have killed him. If you let him go, Overseer Tremel sees it as highly questionable. Innocent or not, he leaves here with firsthand knowledge of our facilities and procedures. It's potentially compromising to have him floating about the galaxy. You must always be thinking, and considering every angle. Aside from a strong and skilled sword arm, that will be what impresses Darth Baras the most.

He gives you your next trial. In the caverns of Marka Ragnos is the beast he left to guard his legacy. Go there, sit among the flames, and wait for the beast to come for you. Hold nothing back. This creature is doom itself. Return to the Valley of the Dark Lords and find the tomb of Marka Ragnos, and slay the beast.

This concludes the mission "Judge and Executioner" and starts the next mission, "Slaying the Beast".